Yeah, so. My dream last night:
Lee was either my brother or my lover (hehe, no, I don't over-identify with Kara--I have no idea what you are talking about...) but at some point in the dream he betrayed me to the cylons and I was going to either be killed or replaced (more Stepford than BSG, but whatever) so I was trying to escape.
The absolute creepiest part of the dream? The machine that was creating new cylons didn't look anything like those pretty resurrection tubs of goo. It worked like a cotton-candy machine, where the flesh and blood of the new being accumulated in whisps around the edge a circular metal tub and coagulated in the center into new cylons. WTF brain?
If I'm going to actually dream about Jamie Bamber, is it too much to ask for there to be more sex and less revolting blood/guts involved? Kthnx.