I'd never heard of this. Do you make podfic then? I keep meaning to try some. Every now and then our work has down time, but we can't do anything fun and my iPod and an audio book saves me. I really should try some podfic too. :)
I hadn't heard of podfic until someone requested to record an old story of mine and I got curious. And now I listen to a lot of it because both SPN/J2 and SGA fandoms have gotten really in to podfic'ing and tons of my favorite stories have been recorded by fellow fangirls. I've also discovered stories that I missed before via podfic.
I mainly listen to podfic while working out, during my commute, or while I knit. I've only recorded a handful, but I've listened to hours and hours of them by others. If you decide to look for some, I highly recommend the amplificathon comm or general_jinjur's amazing multi-fandom archive (it has great tags for searching by fandom, reader, author, pairing, etc).
Comments 2
I keep meaning to try some. Every now and then our work has down time, but we can't do anything fun and my iPod and an audio book saves me. I really should try some podfic too. :)
Imma check it out.
I mainly listen to podfic while working out, during my commute, or while I knit. I've only recorded a handful, but I've listened to hours and hours of them by others. If you decide to look for some, I highly recommend the amplificathon comm or general_jinjur's amazing multi-fandom archive (it has great tags for searching by fandom, reader, author, pairing, etc).
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