It seems like every time I say "I'll be around more often" I vanish almost completely from the livejournal multiverse!
Nanowrimo drained all the typing out of me. It's hard to write ANYTHING now that it's over. T-T But if any of you guys want to read about the novel and such, I actually wrote a series of columns for a local newspaper! You can check them out here: In fact, they liked me so much at the paper, they're keeping me around! I get to keep writing for them, basically about whatever I want to write! I'm very excited to have an easy place to be read. And the columns are short enough that it shouldn't impact my writing on A Brutal Teacher! Which oh my god, I have missed so badly...
I hope all of you guys are doing well! I missed the madness around here. I just now set up my reminant figurines in my room! I even made them make out, just for Nat-Nat. XD
Oh, I forgot, the last time you guys saw me I was going to a deserted island! The island was wonderful, but it was freezing cold. There's nothing quite like camping out when it's 35 degrees outside... But it was an adventure! I even bellydanced on the beach. And while I was there, I got to play with dolphins a little! Not a lot, because dolphins are wild, and I didn't want to press my luck, but we played chase, with me on the shore and them taunting me with how fast they could go!
Anyway, everything's been going well for me, and I finished last month with a new novel under my belt, and an undying urge to write fanfiction. I think you will all profit from this urge. XD
Mucho love from the lost lamb of livejournal!
And I'm sorry I'm behind in commenting on posts. The novel ate my life. Completely.