Stitch Legacy 1.3

Oct 19, 2011 03:33

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Kind of a short update this week (read: I was too lazy/forgot to take more pictures.). Tay and Souks weren't up to much interesting this week anyway.
OH AND A FUNNY THING HAPPENED not long after I played the Stitch household. Cutlers Bay? Kaboom. 'Hood explosion. Gruesome, it was. Grotesque.
Actually it wasn't. There were just some bad signs cropping up here and there. Luckily, my spidey senses had been tingling a few days before and I had the sense to extract all my current sims and take note of all their stats. The update after this will take place in Cutlers Bay v.2. I just spent the last two days sorting it all out and everyone seems to have settled in nicely. Just nobody tell them they're clones, 'kay?

Anyway, on with the fuckery.

As you can see, Soukie is damn close to peeing herself with excitement here. You know why? Did I finally decide to let her chase her LTW? Haha, fat chance, slag. Did I remove the no-hula hack. She wishes. Nah, this face right here is Soukie's 'Happy Birthday to my first-born son' face. The first birthday of my legacy and not a single fuck was given.

Taylor gets cake rights. There aren't any more pictures of Mal as a baby. Know why? A lot of the time he was green and stinky while his parents made sexytime.

And this is what we end up with. Daaaaaaaamn my baby's got a creepster smile.
Little Mal is another Gemini. He's almost a Taylor clone, but Soukie managed to muster up a nice point for him. All in all, it looks like he's going to grow up into yet another dustbin kicking, newspaper snatching sociopath. YAY. Because my 'hood doesn't have enough of those already.

Speaking of which, Taylor's been... uhh... introducing himself to the neighbours.

At Adam Cutler's house.

At the Winters' house.

At the Ash house. I don't why but the paper disappears after he nabs it.
Yeah, this went on and on. And presumably will go on and on, until my adorable little klepto shuffles from his mortal coil. But heaven help him if any of the other sims figure out how to make Sentrybots...

But back to the toddlerspam. For a kid with such a funky face, he is kind of cute. In a creepy kind of way. Ooooh my first legacy spawn.

Taylor has the day off, so time to teach Mal some toddler skills.
Taylor: "It's important to learn how to walk, little one. Running is important too, particularly if her husband comes home from work early. But first, walking."

"And one day son, when you're older, I'll teach you to Swagger like a true Romance sim."

MOAR TODDLER SPAM. The kid's growing on me. I think I can live with the creepy grin.

Without doubt, the kid takes after his dad. See? Already practising his glare on the Wabbit head.

What? Another birthday? So soon?
Yes, because things were a little boring during Mal's toddlerhood. He learned all his skills, played with his Wabbit head and that was it really. Soukie gets cake rights this time, while Taylor is celebrating. And he's doing it right.
Taylor: "Fuck yeah! No more smelly nappies! This makes Romance Sim happy!"

Mal: *creepy grin*

And OMG the kid has FINGERS. F'yeah.

Still something... a bit off... or is it just me?

Taylor and Souke: Mutual Stalkers.
And it is starting to get annoying. I mean, it's cute and all that... but they always choose to sit on the bed next to their sleeping spouse and stare blankly at the wall for hours, rather than... y'know... do something productive.

Conclusion: Freckles make everything adorable. Srsly.
Yeah, the kid is worming his way into my favour.

Mal gets a big-boy bedroom, but I've stretched the budget and the family funds are a bit low.

Taylor: "PANT. Puff. Pant. Puff."
Soukies: "Whatcha doing, Tay?"
Taylor: "Must... gain...... bodyskill...."
Soukie: "Wanna dance?"
Taylor: "No. Working out."

Soukie: "This is fun."
Taylor: "GO AWAY."

Mal's favourite thing is the easel. Kid likes to paint.

I called you only out of desperation. By entering this house you agree not to do anything but BE in the house. You don't need to cook. You don't need to clean. You don't need to engage in awkard conversation with my children. In fact, don't even LOOK at my children. Just plonk your lumpy arse down IN THAT CHAIR and don't move until Taylor gets home from work. DO YOU HEAR ME WOMAN?
Nanny: *blank stare*

Ahem. Not interacting with the children means no stalking them in the bathroom, pervert.
Mal: "Uhh... she's... she won't move. I can't get out."
Run, Mal. Just run.

Painting is fun, isn't it Mal? Just go to your happy place, Mal. Taylor will be home from work soon, and then this nightmare will be all over.

Just... just don't look behind you, 'kay kid?

*creepy music*
Nanny: *lurks*

She stood there, watching him for over an hour. Every ten seconds, she'd pop into Mal's action queue and but I kept cancelling that bitch out.

Sunday rolls around. Sunday has recently become 'Family Portrait Day' in my neighbourhood.

Mal likes to show off. He's quite cute. And he's finished at least three paintings this week, all of which have been hung around the house.

And I leave you with this shot.
Obligatory "Again? Are you kidding me?" toilet shot.

Read Ch. 1.4
Aaand to make up for the shortness of this post have a goodie. My previous post on this journal showed my experimentation with making a multi-PT mod. Taylor was one of four sims LUCKY enough to be chosen as DNA donors.

Doesn't he look happy?

stitch, legacy, gen 1

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