(no subject)

Oct 14, 2011 03:11

Today I decided to make my own Multi PT hack, so I trawled the web and found some alien skins and eyes I like and followed Simgaroop's tutorial here. Here follows my initial attempt at testing my hack in game.

Here is my first tester, Kieran, who already has one alien daughter.

I used the SimBlender to get him pregnant with alien spawn and the Tombstone of Life and Death to speed up his pregnancy. I then used SimBlender's pregnancy scanner and was really excited to see this:

PT 3. Because PT 3 equals this:

Which equals this:

Or this:

Awesomely angry-looking alien hybrids! Yay!

So with the game on fast forward, I waited for Kieran to go into labour.

Wait for it... wait for it...


I'm not sure where in the process this has gone wrong. The eyes are the eyes my game throws when it can't find the specified eye texture. The skin and hair are probably throw-backs to Kieran's parents (PT 3 is blonde and Kieran has brown hair). Most distressingly of all, this baby shows no signs whatsoever of the amazingly funky facial features on my PT.



Took another crack at it today. Remixed the PTs a bit and redid the hack. It seems I have made progress - my spawnlets are now actually spawning with alien faces and showing normal eyes. Trouble is that they're all showing... normal eyes. And skin. Wah.

Moar EDIT:

My problem seems to be either a hack conflict, or something to do with my neighbourhood. I tested my hack in a new hood without the mod section of my DL folder, and it worked B-E-A-utifully. Outlandish alien spawn galore. So I guess I need to sift through my mod folder and figure out what's borking. Which I'm not looking forward to because my game has a 15 minute load time, which isn't so bad really but having to quit and reload the game more than a couple of times... Guhh... plus my PC doesn't always play nice and actually start loading the game. *headdesk*

I've searched the web for info about similar problems, but the Google-Fu isn't helping here.

Oh yeah, this is gonna be a riot.

multi pt, work-in-progress

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