The Stitch Legacy: Ch. 3.1

May 01, 2013 11:30

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Hey there! So it's been an age since I updated the Stitch legacy. I started an undocumented BACC 'hood, and had an enjoyable few months playing with that, but I had to come back to the Stitches eventually. I also recently posted a spare update showing what normal lives my gen. 2 spares, Gigi and Imogen, got up to after leaving the legacy household. Imogen seems to be one of the most popular Stitches for download. :)

Previously: After being named Generation Three heir, Barristan attended university, alongside his siblings, Nymeria and Sandor.
The spares were found suitable matches, and Baz continued his romance with Desmond, who has some interesting genetics that I can't wait to breed in.

So let's dive right in, with Baz and Nym returning from their stint at uni.
Baz: Ahh... it's good to be back.
And it's good to have you back. But Nym, I wouldn't get too comfortable if I were you.

Ser Pounce still has a superiority complex, and is determined to prove himself as alpha-cat, which means...

...beating up his own son, the equally megalomaniacal Greebo.

You guys....

Mal and Mona are still very much stalking each other and in love. Hey, quit it with the smooching and get changed. I want to make this as quick as I can.

We're having a wedding!

It's actually Nym's wedding. I'm going to get her married off to her delightfully moustachio'd lover, Lewin, and send her off into the world.
On the morning of her wedding, my favourite little spare blackened some toast and oatmeal for the family.

Mona: Urghh... how did she manage to burn oatmeal?

Nym: Urghh... how did I manage to burn oatmeal?

Anyway, Lewin manages to show up for his own wedding.
Uh... guys, you know it's bad luck for him to see the bride before the wedding?
I want a nice, non-laggy and drama-free backyard wedding. Baz is the heir, so I don't want to be dedicating any more screen to time to you than I need to, Nym.

Well, I soon forgot the 'non-laggy' part of that mission statement, when I began teleporting in the extended family and friends.
Here we have the Mona fan club. Leelou, in the red shirt, is at this point very much married to Mal's sister, Giovanna, and the two of them have a daughter, Ada. I'd like to point that out now.

Because this happened.
Imogen: What am I seeing?

I said 'drama-free'! Do you even know what that means?

Raven-Haired Homewrecker: I always immediately fall in love with people who mack on my arms. It's a weakness of mine.

Unfortunately, Leelou's infidelity happened just as Gigi was walking onto the lot. Despite the fact it happened in the back garden, and therefore out of her line of sight, Gigi immediately came charging across the lot to give her spouse a piece of her mind.

Drama-free... drama-free...
Also, who bird-watches at their daughter's wedding? Maybe I should have splashed out on that DJ after all...

Well... that escalated quickly...

Commence the bitch-facing!

Could all sims please assemble in front of the matrionial garden feature. Despite recent events, the wedding is still going ahead.

Nym: C'mon, guys. C'mon, I'm getting married. Please?

I now pronounce you man, wife and moustache.

It must be really nice to marry the man you love in front of small audience, made up of close friends and dear family...

And various service providers, like the woman who cleans your house, or a representative of the postal service.
Also, HAI BAZ. Yeah... perhaps there should be more pictures of him considering he's in charge of this thing now...

Clive: It should have been me... :(

And then the ceremony was over, and it was time for a good, old-fashioned knees-up!

Nym: I'm so happy. I feel so... serene...?

Nym: WAIT. I remember that bitch now!

Nym: She wrecked our family outing, and now she's wrecking my wedding!

Baz decides his best chance of actually appearing in this update is get himself embroiled in the dramaz.
And he's right.
Baz: How dare you cheat on my aunt, and upset my sister on her wedding day!?

Nym: *indistinct death threats*
Lewin: Open wide, honey!

Nym: Wuh? *grarghlearglesmmummf*

What do you know? Cake is the key to mellowing her out...

Over-Dressed Post Lady: Welp... better get back to my rounds.

And where were you hiding those?

You'd think Leelou would know the Stitches well enough to not piss them off at family functions...

Gigi takes to alcohol to get her through this hellish ordeal. I could have just sent Leelou and her lady-friend away... but... Well, honestly, I was totally lying about not wanting drama.

Drama is the bread and butter of Sims 2.

This cheers Gigi up somewhat.
Gigi: Yeah! Go for the eyes, sis!

The perfect, family-friendly entertainment for a wedding.

Imogen's son flees in tears.
Vincent: TRAUMA.

Imo: This is not how I imagined this going...

Well... I suppose you could always just steal her newpaper every day for the next 50 sim-years?

Baz: LOOK HERE YOU. If you hadn't started all this, Clur would not have bothered taking so many pictures of my NON-HEIR sister's wedding, and some of this update might actually have been about ME instead! *slaps*

Woah, Baz-meister. You got MAD. I wouldn't have expected it of you, the second nicest Stitch in existence...
Baz: *sheepish*

I'm shocked. I think.
Then again, a wedding full of bitchslapping and smackdowns seems just the sort of thing the Stitches enjoy...

Okay, I do solemnly swear that this is the end with the Nymspam. I can't help it! She just looks so much like my beloved Mal, and I'm a little disappointed she didn't make heir. I mean, I love Baz and all, but THE FUNKY CHIN! :(

Lewd-in: So... time for the wedding night?

Nym: I'm intrigued. But I have to drop everything, change into my labcoat and leave for work. Laterz, husband!

And then they left the legacy household, and henceforth will only appear as party guests and spare updates. :)


Baz: Okay... this is kind of... formal...

Apparently Desmond is a bit of a kiss-and-tell...



That money goes straight on redecorating the heir bedroom.

And as the Tom-Baker-lookalike poster gazes upon their naked bodies, Baz and Des got it on.
Y'all are okay with m-preg, right? ;)


But... but... my Mona.

Mal seems to be taking a page from his father's book. Let's not make it a habit, okay kid?

Oh... just showing off the slap-dash, copypasta photo-portraits I cobbled together. :)

Imo is so adorable in that pic.

Baz and Des make use of the family's hot tub. Which apparently everybody wants to make sexytimes in. Like EVERYBODY. I had to lock the door at Nym's wedding, because people were literally queuing up.




And bingo.
Baz: Urghh... must have eaten some bad shrimp...

Baz: This... this definitely should not be happening...

Guys. Hey, guys. What r u doing?

Guys. Stahp.

I think we have time to squeeze a second spare wedding into this update. You might not remember Sandor, because he's spent his entire life being neglected. Even his fiancee, Selena, seemed more interested in his brother. Sandor always used to answer the phone to her, only to have her ask for Baz...

Gigi's luck hasn't improved by this time. Poor Gigi.

Ada, Gigi's daughter, has not taken her parent's split very well. On another note, wedding brawls might just become a new Stitch family tradition.

There we go. Okay, kids, here's twenty grand. Don't spend it all at once and don't let the door hit you on the way out.

And no sooner have I shoved the new newlyweds out the front door than it's time to gather the masses again for Mona's birthday.

Mona: I don't really want to be old...
Mal: I can't look.

But Mona aged well, like a fine wine, and she hardly looks any different.

And that's the end of one fairly eventful week in the Stitch household.
Sim brawls: 2
Pet brawls: 5
Weddings: 2
Birthdays: 1
Pregnancies: 1
Pictures of Barristan: 13 out of 79

See you next time!

stitch, legacy, gen 3

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