Jun 05, 2009 06:17
I've been playing Chrono Trigger DS on the bus to and from work, from time to time, and I've found my way to the first set of new levels. (At least I'm assuming there will be more.) I can see why the hardcore fans were disappointed with the Lost Sanctum. It takes pretty much everything wonderful about CT, then distils it down into a bunch of fetch quests. All the quests are kept within the same area (but two times), which further adds to the predictability.
One quest even goes as far as to break the game's model of time travel. You need two of something side by side, but only one exists. So what do you do? Go to the past, put it there, go to the future, take it back, go back to the past, and put it beside itself. The act destroys both items to create a new one, which makes me wonder how it still lasted long enough for me to grab it from the future.
On the other hand, it is nice to see some non-violent Reptites. And it is effectively a place to power-level. I've got money to last me the rest of the game.
Oh, and I ran a half-marathon a few weeks ago. And another two weeks before that.