Welcome to the end of the computer era.petie_s: Woah! I've seen that one!
boolean263: I never saw it when it was originally out. It's pretty fun though. (:
petie_s: Yeah, I saw it about a month ago. Sadly, its message didn't work!
boolean263: Yep. The software business went belly-up, and there were no more games. Pity, really.
petie_s: Yes, we were all forced to play, once again, with hoops and sticks.
boolean263: Have you checked out the latest expansion module for hopscotch? I'll come show you, but you need to draw the board with your own chalk or it'll be illegal.
petie_s: Chalk? I'll just use a piece of limestone.
boolean263: But you're depriving chalk miners everywhere of their livelihood!
petie_s: Then maybe they shouldn't charge so much for their chalk!
boolean263: Don't own... don't own that stone don't own... don't own that stone
petie_s: HAHAHA!