
Sep 14, 2008 09:39

Re: Déjà vu (an DUMBASS article in which an ill-informed person claims the argumments against Palin can also be used against Obama)

- Yes some say Obama "just gives a good speech." But his many sincere, superb speeches aren't endless strings of sarcasm written FOR him like Sarah Palin's was. Obama's speeches are painstakingly written by him, and they inspire and bring hope to people in a positive way. Sarah Palin is good at shallow jabs, that's all. And, apparently, she can only deliver ONE speech. Over and over and over and over…
- If one honestly compares the records of Palin and Obama, instead of focusing on how many years of "executive experience" each one has logged, the contrast could not be greater. Let's start from the beginning and work our way forward to now:
Young Adulthood: Barack Obama attends Columbia University and is the first black president of the Harvard Law Review. Palin receives a Bachelor's in communications-journalism from U Idaho.
Pre-Politics: Obama works as a community organizer and activist in Chicago. Palin is a sports reporter and works in commercial fishing.
Political Career: Obama spends 7 years in the Illinois State Senate, then becomes the US Senator from Illinois. As a state senator, he sponsors, among others: a state constitutional amendment that would establish the right to universal health care; a bill that would provide job skills training for recipients of federal aid; and a bill that would create an office of immigration services for education and outreach. As a US Senator, he proposes, among others, bills on Iran, voting, veterans, global warming, campaign finance and lobbyists, Blackwater, global poverty, nuclear proliferation, and education. He then runs a remarkably successful presidential campaign and wins against one of America's finest politicians.
Palin is a city councilwoman and then mayor of Wasilla Alaska, which has less than 10,000 people. As mayor, she builds an outrageously expensive sports complex and hires a lobbyist to obtain the earmarks she now claims to despise. She is nearly recalled for firing a Police Chief and Library Director because they don't want to do things her way. I won't even start on her record as Governor…because the truth is starting to come out about that (and this message is already really long). Oh, but I have to mention that of course she taxed big corporations less and average residents more.

- Intelligent voters are not only concerned about titles and years. Instead they focus on quality of service and judgment displayed. In the latter sense, Sarah Palin's experience is much less valuable, in my judgment, than Obama's.
- Also, Sarah Palin's words couldn't even be deemed "empty promises." That's too good a label. They are outright lies.
- Finally, I don't approve of the media focusing on Sarah Palin's "former beauty queendom." But the Republicans should be able to take that from liberals, considering they have used words such as "uppity" and (horror of horrors) "arugula-eating" to try and belittle Barack Obama.
- In conclusion, the arguments against Palin might sound the same as the ones made against Obama. But these criticisms of Palin are legitimate, whereas similar criticisms of Obama simply don't hold-up against the facts of his life and career.
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