I will never understand

Jul 15, 2011 03:25

What on earth would make a woman hate a feminist? I mean, that's kind of like a certain percentage of our population hating Martin Luther King, Jr. or Rosa Parks. I don't know if you guys have heard of Kassie Dill, or LibertyChickLive on Youtube, but she posted a video a few days ago on why she doesn't support our troops in Iraq. Now, I don't agree with her position, but the Constitution grants her the freedom to state it, so more power to her. On the other hand....the reasons she gave were completely unfounded.
She said that there are only 3 reasons for a person to be in the military in 2011. These reasons are as follows:

1) You are dumb, and can't get a real job.
2) You are evil, and enjoy killing people.
3) You are morally compromised, and should just walk away

Now...my dad's in the army. My best friend is in the Coast Guard. My cousin's in the army. My three closest friends' fathers are all in the army, so I admit that I am rather close to the issue. However, this also means that I know enough military people to be able to say confidently the no, this isn't necessarily true. I mean, yes, there are some rather idiotic people in the military, but that would just be because there are dumb people in the world. There are also really smart people in the military. While I'm sure there are some evil people in the military, there are also just evil people in the world. Fact of the matter is, I know lots of servicemen and women who have never seen combat while deployed. I know many, many soldiers who have never killed a person. I know lots of soldiers whose jobs in the army don't even allow them to carry a weapon. As for number three....you can't just walk away from the army. That is what we call AWOL, and that means jail time.

Back to feminism. This person actually said that "feminists tend to be women who are unattractive, and are unpleasant, and can't get a guy, so they just repel against men." "Feminists are loose women." She said that feminists want women to be men, with their corporate jobs and business suits and ugly haircuts. (that last part is a paraphrase, but she did actually use the phrase ugly haircuts. Or bad haircuts. either way, same meaning.) She also, several times, confused the words "feminism" and "misandry". Let's consult the dictionary, shall we?

feminism: the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes.
misandry:  a hatred of men.
 Now, I personally don't like the feminism definition, I would define it as "equality among all people, in all ways, regardless of gender" The gender thing there is important. But that's just semantics. My point is that the only thing that those definitions have in common are the word "of". Now, are some feminists misandrists? I'm sure. Just as some feminists probably have some internalized misogyny. However...that's not what defines a feminist. For every feminist that hates men, there is one that does not. Feminists come in all types. I wish people did their homework. Broadcasting your opinion is fine, that's what the internet is for. I don't mind people having their own opinions. However, I am much more likely to respect someones opinion if it is based on fact.
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