Title: With Honours
Author: bookwrm89
Movie Prompt: With Honors for
reel_merlin Take 4
Pairing: Arthur/Merlin
Rating: Adult
Word Count: 13,200
Warnings/Spoilers: Character death; short scene with cross-dressing.
Disclaimers: The television show Merlin belongs to Shine Television and the BBC. The movie With Honors belongs to Spring Creek Productions and Warner Brothers. This is a work of fan-fiction only and no money is being made from it.
Summary: Albion University student Arthur Pendragon is convinced he’s going to graduate with honours because of his dissertation paper. When his paper gets held hostage by a homeless man, Arthur discovers that Gaius just might be the person to tutor the young man about life while Arthur’s flatmate, Merlin Emrys, may be the person to tutor him about love.
Author’s Notes: Written for Take 4 of
reel_merlin Many thanks go to my wonderful betas
alba17 and Brit-pick by
choccy_grl. Any remaining mistakes are all me. This is my first attempt at writing in the Merlin fandom - comments and constructive criticism will be welcomed with open arms!
“It’s seven a.m., my lords and ladies, and you’re listening to Radio Free Camelot on a chilly November morning. You’re at the greatest university on Earth and you know what? You’re in over your head. You’re drowning. Especially you, Third Years. Only 150 days until your dissertations are due and the powers that be decide whether you’re destined for greatness or mediocrity.
“I know what you’re thinking - ‘do I really belong here?’ Probably not. But don’t give in, don’t give up; arise fair Albion, arise. You, too, can rule the world; you just have to crush everyone else first. A little crushing music, Maestro.”
The two young men standing on the covered porch grinned at the words echoing tinnily through the earbuds on their iPods. They finished stretching and nodded to each other. As the first notes of The Cult’s She Sells Sanctuary resounded through the speakers, the pair - one blonde, the other dark haired - took off jogging across the snow-covered campus of Albion University.
Their regular route took them down the row of student housing, past the dorms of residence and alongside the massive library, towards the river and the playing fields. Spying their housemate leading her rowing team on a morning run, the two men grinned boyishly at each other again and tore after the unsuspecting runners.
Catching up with the team on the stone bridge across river, the pair wove in and out amongst the rowers; knocking off hats and throwing off the pace of the rowing team.
“Ignore them,” the dark-haired woman yelled. “Come on, keep up the pace.”
The dark-haired man pulled the hood off of his sister’s hair and the pair left the rowers in chaos, laughter trailing in their wake and their roommate’s invectives following them shrilly across the snowy fields.
“That’s really fucking funny, you morons!”
“Now here’s something to crow about.” The call of a rooster echoed across the airwaves. “I’ve got a great cock, don’t I? Last night a fresher from Cardiff University swears she saw the ghost of Dylan Thomas in Monmouth Library. Wales’ greatest poet haunting the stacks of our illustrious library, eh?
While the Cardiffuni fresher is undergoing an intense debriefing at the hands of the Literature department, they better hurry. The weather tells us to expect ten inches of the white shroud tonight. I am Sir Gwaine. Now you hear me, now you…”
Chapter 1 This entry was originally posted at