Oh yeah, that's right...
totally4ryo is an ENABLER!!! Anyway, who could resist THIS??????
Naturally, I decided to try and bring some of my fellow fic writers with me into this insanity! So, who's with me??? *points at last line on the picture*
Upcoming writing projects for me:
* With Honours - a fic in a new fandom for me, written for the LJ comm
reel_merlin. Will be posted September 27th.
* Don't forget that
reel_torchwood will be starting sign-ups on September 10th! I've got a fun one planned for my entry this round.
* Yes, I will be finishing Draw Back Your Bow, I promise. I have a couple of scenes left in the Merlin fic and then I'll be finishing that one up.
* Prepare To Be Surprised - a one-shot fic in the Doctor's Son 'verse that is being written for the
longliveianto 'Product Placement' Birthday challenge. Posting soon.
* Sequel to The Doctor's Son will be written for the Mpreg BB - I think you can see where that will be going LOL
* There have been rumors of a new TW challenge comm starting up soon, something based on books... **looks at username** .....yeah, I'll be signing up for that one. Already have extensive notes for one story and ideas for a couple of others....
* Eventually I will be writing the sequel to the Never 'verse. Really. I've got the idea all planned out in my head. Really.
There's also a couple of multi-fandom comms that will be opening up soon that will be a lot of fun to play in too! So, stay tuned...my muses are back and fic is being written!
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