Fic: The Soundtrack of a Relationship - Part 7

Mar 16, 2008 11:54

Banner created by the talented liten_sam!

Disclaimer: I don't own these characters, they just inhabit my dreams.

A/N - This is part 7 of a 12 chapter story about Jack and Ianto's relationship inspired by several songs I've heard over the past few days.  I have a wide taste in music, so please forgive me if there are a couple of cheesy 80's tunes.  The songs that inspired the individual chapters are listed just before the chapter begins and will also be listed in the "Music" area below the entry.  Please, if you spot any mistakes and/or improvements, let me know (happy/"well done" comments appreciated too!).  Thanks & I hope you enjoy the story!

Read Part 1 here...
Read Part 2 here...
Read Part 3 here....
Read Part 4 here....
Read Part 5 here...
Read Part 6 here....

Song: Over and Over by Three Days Grace

Jack took a deep breath and looked over at the Doctor, "Our first date..." he laughed, "I was so nervous about it."
"You, Jack?  Nervous about a date?"
"Hey, it was important to me.  And it was beautiful.  I just don't know how things went so wrong, why he would do this."
"I think that's why he left you this letter, Jack.  To tell you how he felt."
Jack looked down at the letter in his hands and sighed.  Then he pushed play on the CD player again, listening to the opening guitar notes and violins....

"I feel it everyday it's all the same
It brings me down but I'm the one to blame
I've tried everything to get away
So here I go again
Chasing you down again
Why do I do this?"

He looked down at the letter in his hands, dreading what he was going to read....

Jack, I fell so hard for you.  I told myself that I was going to take it slow and make sure that you felt the same way.  Sometimes I even convinced myself that you did feel the same, but you never said anything.  And there were other moments when you seemed to care for someone else more than for me.  I ended up feeling like your second choice, because you couldn't have your first choice.  I wanted to get away, but I couldn't bring myself to leave....

"You should see his manners in bed...or so I've heard..."
Ianto's heart sank a little.  He and Gwen had gotten closer while Jack had been gone and he knew that Jack and Gwen were good friends, but was there something more between them?  Ianto shoved the doubts out of his mind, he had to believe that Jack wouldn't string him along like that.
"Oh they are, I remember this one time..."
"Ahem!"  Jack gave them both a look.
Ianto and Gwen just looked at each other and smiled.  Teasing the boss was something they both enjoyed doing, and they were good at it.

Later, after Beth was gone, Jack and Ianto were in the Hub alone together.
"So you question my interrogation methods do you?"  Jack asked in mock seriousness.
Ianto convulsed into giggles, "Oh c'mon, Jack. 'What do you think of my boots?' isn't exactly on the standard list of interrogation questions."
"Yeah, well, you and Gwen commenting about my manners in bed wasn't exactly the most professional thing either."  Jack groused, not noticing when the teasing light faded from Ianto's eyes.  "Are you staying tonight?"
"No, I need to go home and get some rest.  I'm exhausted,"  was the subdued reply.
Jack looked at the younger man, noticing the shadows in his eyes.
"Ok.  I'll see you tomorrow."  He watched as Ianto walked away, wondering if everything was ok.  "Ianto, I...."
"Yes, Jack?"  he asked, when the older man's voice trailed away.
"Nothing.  Go home."

Ianto was his normal self when he got in to work the next day, so Jack dismissed his concern.  Soon it would be time for Tommy's yearly wake up call, hopefully it would all go well and they'd have some down time for he and Ianto to spend together.  Maybe they could go on another date.  
The rift had other ideas though.
"His own time.  Would you go back to yours?  If you could?"
"Why, would you miss me?"
"I left home a long time ago.  I don't know where I really belong.  Maybe that doesn't matter anymore."
"I..uh..know you get lonely."
"Going home wouldn't fix that.  Being here, I've seen things I never dreamt I'd see.  Loved people I never would've known if I just stayed where I was."  He looked up into the soft blue eyes looking down at him.  "I wouldn't change that for the world."
Ianto reached out and pulled Jack close, kissing him passionately.  Jack stood up and drew the young man into his arms, deepening the kiss.  Ianto's hands pushed the grey braces off of Jack's shoulders and reached down to untuck the shirt and t-shirt, slipping inside to caress the taut skin above Jack's trousers.  The captain gasped at the feel of his lover's hands on his bare skin.  He removed Ianto's jacket and draped it across the back of the chair he'd been sitting in.
"Come with me."  Jack whispered.
Ianto allowed himself to be led down into Jack's sleeping area, where they quickly undressed each other.  Hands caressing and lips trailing across exposed skin.  Gasping, they both sank down onto the bed.  Jack drew Ianto underneath him, leaning down to kiss the soft mouth, his tongue plunging inside to explore, his fingers working their magic down Ianto's lean body.
The Welshman was busy too, running his hands down Jack's back to cup his butt and pull his hips forward so hard, aching flesh met hard, aching flesh.  He turned so the older man was beneath him, giving Ianto control of their lovemaking.  He reached for the lube and quickly prepared Jack and himself before thrusting deep into his lover's body.
"Oh God, Ianto, yes!"  Jack gasped.  His hands on Ianto's hips, urging him faster.
His lover's gasps and moans spurred Ianto on and he reached down to grasp Jack's cock in his hand, urging Jack to lose the control Ianto had already lost.  They moved in time, one with the other, the passion rising until at last they reached the pinnacle together and fell through to the other side.
Lying, wrapped in Jack's arms, Ianto was falling asleep.  Just before his eyes drifted close, he whispered, "I love you, Jack."
"Ianto, I....." Jack's voice trailed off as he realized the younger man was already asleep.

The weeks passed.  Gwen's fiance, Rhys, discovered what they actually did.  Jack allowed him to keep the knowledge rather than retcon him and risk losing Gwen from the team, making Ianto wonder again about the relationship between the two.  He tried to distance himself, but everytime he did, Jack managed to bring him back in.  The whole team lost two days of their memories, not knowing what had happened.  But Ianto began to have recurring dreams where Gwen told Jack that she loved him.  His emotions were in a constant state of confusion.  One minute he was sure Jack loved him, the next thinking it was Gwen the man loved and that he was just using Ianto to fill his time.  Even when Gwen and Rhys got married, Ianto had watched Jack on the dance floor, lost in Gwen's eyes.  When Ianto cut in to dance with Jack, he felt like Jack's mind was still dancing with Gwen.  
Jack noticed that Ianto was sometimes distant with him, but he couldn't figure out why.  After that one declaration of love, Ianto hadn't said it ever again.  Jack was head over heels in love with Ianto, but he was afraid to tell him.  Afraid that something would happen to the younger man and he'd lose another person he loved before their time.  So he stayed silent....

Jack was crying again, "I should've told him I loved him, but I was so afraid."
"I know, Jack."  The Doctor said.  "I've been there, too.  And it's one of the biggest regrets of my life that I didn't say the words when I had the chance."

The song ended....

"Over and over, over and over
I fall for you
Over and over, over and over
I try not to
Over and over, over and over
You make me fall for you
Over and over, over and over
You don't even try to"


Chapter 8 here....

torchwood, jack/ianto, fanfic, gwen, angst, slash, the doctor

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