Sir Gawain & The Green Knight Drabble Challenge - Drabble Two

Oct 22, 2011 13:06

Drabble number two of the "Sir Gawain and The Green Knight" drabble challenge. Enjoy!

At Michaelmas the moon
stands like that season’s sign,
a warning to Gawain
to rouse himself and ride.

Gwaine woke with a start and was halfway to his horse before he remembered - the harvest celebration feast, the accusations, the discovery of the book of magic. He had been shocked in that he wasn’t shocked at the revelation.

Arthur had ordered the knights to find Merlin and arrest him.

Ealdor, I have to get to Ealdor, Gwaine thought as he mounted his steed. I have to warn Merlin. Get him away to safety.

He looked up at the moon. It was full tonight, tinged with red - like it was bleeding. Gwaine urged his horse to a gallop.

Faster, faster.

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gawaine, merlin, drabble challenge

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