Jan 01, 2008 00:31
Tonight was NOT a good night for me - the first New Years in I think 10 that I was alone. I Lush bathed with wine after drinking Baileys and cocoa and was doing a great job of feeling sorry for myself.
Well, 'bout 10:30, I decided that I needed to watch Little Miss Sunshine, a movie I'd never seen before, but have had countless people tell me that the little girl in the movie dances just like me. So I started watching this movie and began to think it was a BAD idea. But, as the dance scene neared, I began to feel my heart lift.
At about 10 minutes to midnight, I had a BRILLIANT idea: to relive a tradition we used to have in high school. So, I put some clothes on, poured a glass of wine (not part of high school), grabbed my doormat and went back to my movie.
The dance sequence began and I immediately began to smile - do my friends know me, or what?
It ended at 11:59:30.
I readied my final preparations, including putting on one of the New Year's Eve specials, unlocking the door wall, pulling back the curtain, grabbing my wine, pocketing my phone and watching the clock.
At 12:00, I threw open the door and ran, barefoot, into the snow on the patio.
I stayed out there, gulping down my wine and walking through the snow for 10 minutes and just enjoyed the feel of the snow falling on me
There was another part to that high school tradition that I couldn't have duplicated. We used to steal a Christmas tree from a lot the day after Christmas, take it to a certain friend's house and cram it full of fireworks. After we ran the barefoot lap, we'd light up the tree and launch it into the new year.
No way I could've done that one tonight. But it will always been one of the most memorable things I've ever been a part of.
Okay. It is time for sleeping!
5 entries for one day is MORE than enough.