Musing: Things in Bowls and Network Holes

Jan 08, 2007 18:02

Mmmmm....  Panera.  Last Friday, as I skipped my work Christmas party (yes, in January), I tasted the new Butternut Squash soup at Panera.  It is, singlehandedly, the most DELICIOUS thing-in-a-bowl since Ben and Jerry's Oatmeal Cookie Chunk (which, consequently, never made it to a bowl for me - straight out of the container is the way to go).  This soup is SO wonderful that I had to come back this evening and have it again!  It tastes like Indian food mixed with Thanksgiving.  YUM!  Try it with a whole-grain baguette.

"So, why did you skip your work Christmas party?" you ask.  No, it's not because I'm totally lame.  It was because I was miffed at the principal(the party host).  He "invited" me to attend a technology training so I could train the teachers from the get-go rather than having to deal with all their questions after the fact.  Like they won't come to me anyway.  I even actually kind of stood up to him by saying that I didn't think that the district INTENDED him to send the media specialists because THEY seem to have an idea of how overworked we are.

Funny side story here...  This morning there was a Special Education audit where the state randomly pulls a student file and all those who have contact (teach) that student have to report their accomodations for that student.  All of the other specials teachers were called into this meeting except me.  My thought:  Either someone knows I'm too busy to deal with this malarky or someone doesn't think I'm really a teacher...  :S

This weekend, I was forced to go and buy a new laptop.  I'd had my old one for 4 years and it was dying a slow, painful death.  Most recently, the battery in it died, so I was forced to tether it to the outlet whenever I wanted to use it.  Moving even the slightest bit was bound to deactivate it, so I had to treat it like a senior citizen.  Saturday morning, I booted it up and it repeatedly crashed.  The source of the problem seemed to be the network card, since it would work fine if I left it off the net.  So, Mark and I did a bit of research and headed to Best Buy.  I purchased a lovely Toshiba Satellite for $730.  I'm pleased.

Except that it won't connect to my crap-of-a-network at home.  So, I had to run it up to Panera tonight to confirm that it would connect elsewhere (ie, not at Mark's) and eliminate the thought that it was a laptop problem or an ID 10 T error.

Which brings us full-circle to the deliciousness of Panera.

panera, the libeary, laptops

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