Jan 05, 2009 15:29
For the first time I have kept a list of every book I read this year[1]. I have read far fewer than usual, partly because I am normally a fairly lazy reader - I will pick up a book I have read many times to take in the bath or to read with a meal, while a shelf and a half of unread books groan at me. Some of the nonfiction books are pretty hefty and take me longer than others, and the advent of my iPod last Christmas means that I tend to go to sleep listening to podcasts rather than reading.
The statistics are thus:
2008 total = 131 of which 11 were rereads. I didn't count the book I thought I'd read before but have absolutely no memory of. Of these, one was poetry, 30 were non-fiction, 100 were fiction.
Of the 30 non-fic books, 11 were (auto)biographies, four were politics, three were lit-crit/analysis [2], three were sociology, one was mythology [3], two history, five travel and one museology.
Of the fiction books, 22 were crime/detective/mystery, 33 were kidlit [4], seven were chicklit, 22 were novels, five were fantasy (including two graphic novels), and two were political fic. The authors I have read most were Ian Rankin (6) and Peter Robinson (4).
[1]Come to think of it I picked up Tiger Eyes and another Judy Blume from our secondhand bookshop at work and didn't write them down...
[2]A fancy name for a book of essays about Firefly/Serenity, a 'biography' of Miss Marple and discussion of the books in a social context, and a book of Margaret Atwood essays
[3]I decided to count mythology as non-fic because it relates to a belief system. I'd be interested to hear what others think of this.
[4]I read these so much faster than adult books...
real world