I had a horrible, horrible dream last night in which I went through 11 September 2001 as if I was there
, but I knew what was happening and there was nothing I could do. I dreamed that I got out of the subway at 8.30 and headed up to a room on a lowish floor, knowing that it was all going to happen. Just before the first plane I looked at my watch and went to the door, and wondered whether I should take anything with me out of my drawer. I felt the impact, and then my dream skipped to standing outside and looking up as the paper drifted down. The dream kept going and it got worse. It was strange because there were lots of things that I had forgotten that I now remember from the news footage of the day. I know I wasn't there and I know it was only a dream, but it was so very detailed.
Does anyone else have increadibly vivid dreams, sometimes involving real events?