Plan C. For "craft".

Jan 07, 2012 11:45

Things to do this weekend.
  • take down all my Christmas decorations All is down but the tree! Which I think I may need a second person for...
  • make progress on Quest
  • finish polishing up my morbid and creepifyin' short story before the 10th
  • do a load of laundry
  • buy crafting supplies!! (Oh, Pinterest, what have you done to me?)
  • apply for programs online
  • clean off my desk so I can use it--my brain needs to be able to distinguish from the place where I mindlessly derp around the internet (the couch) and where WRITING happens (the desk)
  • find out why my Very Grown-Up Credit Card has not arrived in the mail yet
  • go have coffee with Zach (The Ex)
And GO!

plan all the things!!

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