I'm not really sure how I felt about tonight's Dollhouse... I mean, it was good, obviously. Yay for blowing up Rossum. Boo for killing off Mellie. Honestly, knowing Joss, I figured they were either going to kill off Anthony, Pria, or Mellie. As soon as Mellie started to come out of her green-flower!state and said, "Paul, I can't..." I knew she was going to kill herself.
Joss, you are evil. But apparently we'll always still love you...
Moving on, I don't know the name of the guy who plays Victor, but he does a FANTASTIC job of being imprinted with Topher. He picks up all Topher's vocal inflections and facial expressions and just does it perfectly. :)
So, is the final episode going to be more like "Epitaph One" and be set completely in the future? 'Cause tonight's episode kind of felt like an ending to me, except for the "Ten Years Later" cliffie. And more importantly, will Alpha get to make one more appearance? And even MORE importantly, will Anthony and Pria live happily ever after and make pretty babies?? :) Oh well; no use speculating. We'll know next Friday.
I'm sad that there's only one left, but it was a GREAT run. :D