why the hell doesn't anything ever work out like i planned?!
i had so many plans for my birthday but like always...stuff fucks it up. namely my dad who always finds a way to find the stupidest excuse for me not to go somewhere. wtf?! it's my sweet 16. sure it may not sound all that important to YOU but i've actually been looking forward to my birthday even though it's still less than a month away. i'm scared that nothing will ever change and that i'll be 25 sitting at home w/ my family still in community college w/o a car and i still have to beg my parents to let me go somewhere. it's fucked up to keep me locked up here. i put so much brain power into finding something that they'll approve of but nothing's ever "safe" enough. all this shit drains so much of my energy. i don't even WANT to do anything anymore. my dad obviously doesn't care whether or not it's my birthday and it's just a smidge special-er than any other day. NOOOOOO....*rolls eyes*. w/e...i'm gonna be 16. who gives a flying shit, right? seriously...so much for my sweet 16.