"...and so on that day they crucified the King of Glory. Thus begins the first of the three dark days."
"Why did they have to kill him, amme?"
"Ah yonya, the better question is, 'Why did He have to die?' But that is why we do this. For the next three days, we remember the price paid for us, and ask ourselves again if we live lives eflective of this. As the earth itself mourned, no light will be lit, no fire kindled, until the third day. Then, as Light returned to Life, so also will we celebrate. For we know that our Saviour lives."
AN: Ignoring the fact that this is non canon for Tolkien, "amme" = mom, "yonya" = my son, and apparently my muses are Quenyan speaking elves today.
"And if Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is in vain and your faith is in vain." 1 Corinthians 15:14
Nicole.C.Mullen -My Redeemer Lives-music video from
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