Merry Christmas!

Dec 25, 2007 13:16

Just a little Christmas fic...

The storyteller settled, voice falling easily into a compelling rythm that captured the audience's attention. "Listen then, and learn, this is where the miracle begins - in a manger, in a baby. Ah, but does it even begin there? All stories have more than one beginning, and you could say, this truest story of them all began in the Garden, with our first Parents, or perhaps even before that, in Eternity's heart. But we begin here, in a manger, with a baby. Think on this! The Creator becomes one of His created, the Singer has entered ths Song! Who has ever heard the like! That God should love us so much that He yields to our needs, to take flesh and form, to live among us Emmanuel God With Us, can you even begin to grasp the magnitude of this Love? To go from the Lord of All to a helpless babe, born to a peasant mother in a onccupied country. So poor they could not even afford a room. Born at a time when too many children died in infancy, too many mothers in childbirth, too many fathers lost to war or disease. To become a man, to work with His hands. See, this is the miracle. It begins here, in a stable, with a baby, Amen."


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