Summer ennui

May 23, 2010 13:52

Summer time is here again. That means 2 things. 1. I have a job and a more normalized schedule than during the year and 2. When not on my schedule (i.e. weekends) I am incredibly bored. Living away from other people is tough and not having stuff to do to fill the time when not around people is boring and leads to me reading or writing a lot. Neither of which is a bad thing, but I can only do these two activities for so many hours before I start running out of things to write and books to read (also my eyes go all unfocused and blurry).

So that brings me to the point of this little entry. Anyone out there have interesting books or authors they really like and could recommend for a little light summer reading. I have plenty of dense, difficult books to get through (Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky, and Mr. George Martin), but I need something to read in between while my eyes and mind recover.

Now, back to writing...

Hope everyone's having a good summer wherever they are.
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