Break begins

Mar 02, 2008 13:12

I'm back in Massachusetts for break. Staying with my dad and stepmom out in North Andover, though possibly transfering over to stay with my sister later this week. It depends on how many video games the guy she is staying with has and will let me use. (Yay friends with video games.) Right now I'm just sitting around, doing nothing. It's going to be the norm for this vacation (so unlike the last two... except not.)

The trip home was fine. I got up at 7ish to get the bus stop by 8:30. The bus got into O'Hare around 10 and I waited around until 12:20 for my flight. The flight was fine... except the landing when we hit a bunch of turbulence coming in to land at Logan. Did I mention that Logan is right on Boston Harbor so it looks like you're going to crash land in the water every second up until the wheels of the plane touch the runway. Then I made my way through Logan to the terminal where my sister was supposed to pick me up. It only took her three passes of the terminal and four phone calls of "Where the fuck are you???" to find me. So this was a quite successful navigation of Logan for all involved.

Basically, I hate Logan. Hate it hard.

But that's over and now I am fully planning on doing nothing for a few days. Rest is good.
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