May 23, 2012 10:53
I watched Boondock Saints II yesterday. About what I expected for the most part. Hated the new sidekick, Romeo. Actually, I liked the first movie better all around. On the other hand, I really liked the new Special Agent Bloom. She kicked ass in so many ways and was an excellent character.
What really drew my attention was the Louie/Noah love story arch. There’s honestly no other way to describe it: they have no personal space with each other in their younger years, and not just any man would put up with Noah and his compulsive need to kill. Even Louie’s betrayal of Noah makes more sense when you see him as a jealous lover. And notice that Noah doesn’t turn around and narc on Louie when he’s set up, which he totally could have done. One could even say that Louie was trying to protect Noah’s infant sons from being exposed to Noah and his need to kill. And then, Louie draws Noah back to Boston. And they die within minutes of each other, with Noah gently telling Louie that he’ll see him in a few minutes (in the afterlife) right before he pulls the trigger. It was basically a murder-suicide. The truth is, Noah could have killed Louie at any time, BUT HE DIDN’T. He didn’t even appear to judge Louie for his actions. Despite the fact that Louie was the mastermind behind it all, Noah didn’t ritually execute him with the prayer: he just shot him between the eyes, fast and painless.
Yes, it’s a dark and twisted love story with no happily ever after, but it’s a love story all the same.