I have an Apple Store giftcard that I got back at Christmas. I'm thinking about spending it now. My idea was to buy speakers that would hook to both my laptop and to my iPod. This seemed like a good idea until I realized there are 5 bazillion speakers out there. Luckily, not quite that many at the Apple Store, where I would buy them. So, I got down to two different ones that I was looking at and wondered what people thought of the difference. Only links to the Apple Store (
http://store.apple.com) all end up expiring and taking you back to the main page. So, here are two links to them another site. Unfortunately not all of the speakers on this site are on the apple store:
Cheaper, easier speakers:
http://www.jbl.com/home/products/product_detail.aspx?prod=DUETAL&Language=ENG&Country=US&Region=USA&cat=HMM&ser=HMM Expensive, weird looking, probably better cause they have a subwoofer thing speakers:
http://www.jbl.com/home/products/product_detail.aspx?prod=CREATUREIIAL&Language=ENG&Country=US&Region=USA&cat=HMM&ser=HMM So...I guess basically what I'm wondering is if anyone knows if the second one is actually worth the extra money compared to the first one. Thank goodness my giftcard is only good at one store or I'd never had been able to get down to two choices :P
OR I could just buy an iPod case instead :P
I'm supposed to be doing Physics homework so back to that...