Feb 09, 2008 19:00
Hello there...
Ok, really really long time. I only remembered I had this tonight. Sorry bought that.
I don't really have any happy news for you. Life back home is great, here in VT, not so much. The motto for VT, is people suck. and its totally true. I am separating myself from the people I was hanging w/ form the start. They are only bringing me down and causing unnecessary drama, so its time. oh well
Life back in CA is way better. Got a great boyfriend. Got college all figured. Good friends there. I'm good to go. Getting the driving stuff done over my break (13 days).
I'm thinking about giving a speech in chapel. I feel like I need people to see the other side of things. We'll see.
I went ice skating yesterday. hadn't been in years. gotta love minor concussions. good times. I'm gonna be stupid and try to go to a dance tonight. been sitting on my ass. ugh!! we'll really see how that one goes. hahaha
Sorry, its been so long. yet again.
Yours Always,