Exploring SPN Fandom

Jan 16, 2011 09:31

So, I have been clicking around and discovering more about the world of SPN Fandom.  Wow.  There are so many groups, writers, conventions (not fannish but behavior), and expectations for fans.

I have found that it is bad manners to read peoples' stories and not leave comments, so I have been trying to leave comments.  The problem is that I don't know what to say because I am not a writer or even very well spoken.  I have to ask someone if "good story, I liked it" is enough; some comments are so detailed.  I have a few authors I have come to love and check their Masterposts regularly for any new tidbits.

I have discovered that I hate works in progress, even if I love the work, especially if I love the work, because I can't stand waiting for what happens next.  I am too impatient and need to learn calm.  Zatnikatel's "Shine" has been making me crazy because her story speaks to me as what could/should have happened at the end of S5, but didn't.  I guess, totally apropos of nothing, that the extension of the show to S6 made them change some things and really threw the timing of the second half of the season off.  While I love SPN more than anything in years, last year really sort of fizzled the apocalypse out and squandered some awesome setup.

I have discovered the anonymous SPN forums and...holy moly!  There are people who feel so strongly about ships and pairings and the "real" feelings of fictional characters that they attack other people who don't feel the same way, in anonymous forums.  I believe I am an enthusiastic fan, and have some strong feelings about how the SPN writers and show running group handle some things, but to attack another fan anonymously is a little too enthusiastic for me.  It is like a drug, though, and you just can't stop reading.  Some of the threads have made me laugh so much, so violently that my family wants to know what I am reading.....but how does one explain some of these discussions?  It just isn't possible.

More later when RL isn't calling.

fandom, supernatural, fan fic

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