Mar 16, 2011 13:33
[Thursday set out three days ago with a mission. She oozed with purpose, strode in straight lines and glowed with an aura of confidence. When she got to the library she grabbed a book from the shelf. She sat down in a chair, tucked it in under herself and read.
But something was wrong.
It must have been the distractions. (What distractions?) So she left the library and locked herself in her room. The first day passed silently, but by the second there were signs of distress. Other residents of the first floor of Building One might hear an exasperated sigh as they passed her door, a yell, an outburst along the lines of "why isn't it working?" or "what am I doing wrong?"
At one point she even goes so far as to shout a passage of Jane Eyre aloud - Something about a turnstile and a horse on an icy road. It is at the height of this shouting that she falls abruptly silent again.
By the middle of the third day she has grown to hate her little apartment. She'll be found kicking at the dirt around the village somewhere or walking around the very edge of the forest, village-side. Otherwise she'll be at Good Spirits that night. Come find her sulking over a tall glass of lemonade on the rocks.]