Because having one midterm was apparently not enough, today I had "Midterm 2" in my Evolution of Human Sexuality class. I think I did OK (then again, I thought that about Midterm 1 and failed it miserably), which is reassuring, but still. Two midterms? No thanks.
However, this midterm came with the added bonus of a midterm story from Dr. White's own university days. Being from England, she got to go to a university that's been around for practically a quintillion years (otherwise known as CAMBRIDGE WTF), and since the university was so old, the exam rules were too. Of course, there were some rules contained within the exam rules that were no longer enforced, since they were no longer needed or useful.
In the same class as Dr. White, however, was a history student who knew all the exam rules, even the defunct ones. So, in the middle of the exam, he calls for someone to bring him cakes and ale, since students taking exams were once allowed cakes and ale.
The fun thing is, someone actually went and got him a snack cake or something to eat during the exam. Even better, once he was done taking his exam, they implemented another defunct historic rule and fined him ten guineas for coming to class without his sword.
I wish the UO was old enough to have fun exam rules like cakes and ale or bringing one's sword to class. Still, we do have
Deady Hall, which has both a scary name and looks like something out of the Addams Family (and used to have staircases segregated by sex). I suppose that's an OK alternative.