Random Dozen: November 4th

Nov 04, 2009 11:57

  1. It's early morning, about 2:00AM, and you're driving home. You come to a red light and sit there. There is no one in sight for miles around. Do you wait it out or run the light? I'd wait it out, honestly, unless it were a right turn then I'm gone. But I wouldn't be able to stop thinking about that movie with Tim Allen when he is in the country doing something stopped at a red light in the middle of the night in the middle of nowhere and he finally decides to go for it and a tractor trailor comes zooming out of nowhere! I just know that would be my luck, too.
  2. If you had the chance to re-do the last 24 hours, would you change anything? I would probably have skipped the Dr Pepper yesterday. I felt so guilty about those 260 calories that I didn't have as many snacks as I normally would mid-day and it just left me starving. Breastfeeding mommies need their snacks and I don't mean delicious sodas!
  3. When you reply to someone's comment on your blog, do you reply in your comments or go to her blog and comment? (Or email her) Generally I will reply via email and usually post that reply in my blog comments also. I've never gone to their blog to leave the comment - seems a bit disjointed.
  4. Your favorite Disney movie is: oh my god, so hard to say. Probably Peter Pan but I also loved Beauty and the Beast, and let's not forget live action like Mary Poppins!
  5. Do you recycle? As much as I can but we don't have a recycling apartment in our apartment so a lot of the typical stuff we aren't so good about. When we have our own home, though, I plan to get curbside recycling going on.
  6. Games of strategy or games of chance? Generally I think I prefer to have some strategical options available to me, but then I am addicted to Farkle so I guess anything's fair game with me.
  7. Do you have any recurring dreams? I have recurring themes, like a lot of finding myself back in school again (or when I was in school it would be whatever school I'd previously graduated from) and running late / lost and can't find class / find out I have a test and apparently haven't studied for  the class or shown up all year until now... that kind of thing.
  8. What did you learn from your first real job? That people don't really care about your signature as long as it's consistent, you can write whatever you want.
  9. Do you buy or borrow most books? Honestly I mostly buy them. I do go to the library but I don't have a lot of patience and often end up buying them before I can get the copy from the library (especially this one where there are so few books actually in the library, even though you can order from other branches).
  10. What fashion trend of the past did you say you'd never wear again but did? Honestly nothing comes to mind. MMmm actually straight legged pants. I have worn some since but I still prefer boot cut pants or flaired legs for sure.
  11. When do you start Christmas shopping? I try to start somewhat early. We started in October this year and we're mostly done but it helps when we keep it small. The downside to shopping early is storing it in the meantime and also the anticipation of giving the gift just lasts forever. I have a short attention span so sometimes I'd rather wait last minute but I hate the Christmas rush.
  12. Have you ever been so happy that you literally jumped up and down for a few seconds? If so, what was the occasion? Not since I was a teenager. I haven't been a bouncy person since high school. Back then a Backstreet Boys song was all it took - haha

random dozen, 2nd cup of coffee, meme, survey

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