Tagged by Jade blood
Jadey gave me Obi Wan Kenobi...
1.) Do you like this character?
Well, yeah. Kinda obvious. We had a cyber-wedding and everything
2.) What name(s) do you call this character?
Obi, mostly. There are other nicknames, but his ears are turning pink at the thought of me saying them, so I'll reserve it.
3. Is there any popular fanon about this character that you forget isn’t actually canon?
There ARE various wishful thinking pairings that piss me off so much that tend to forget that most of it isn't official. And the whole thing how he'd be the last to break a certain rule in the Jedi Code, but that's another subject :p
4.) What song do you associate with this character?
I know exactly what, but I've gotta look up the title... "In the End" by Linkin Park. Seriously, I tend to change the station when it's on. I get very emotional about it.
5.) Is there anything you’d change about this character’s arc?
HELL yes. Give him a healthy relationship that doesn't either try to kill him or die in his arms. The poor man worked REALLY hard for the Jedi Order, and dies alone, stripped of everything and everyone he's ever loved. Give him ONE PART of his life that ends happily.
6.) From all of the titles that feature this character, what other character do you think makes a good pairing with this character?
Boga. Seriously. I know she's a lizard and not technically sentient, and I'm not into that kinda smut AT ALL. But personality wise?! Seriously!!!
7.) What would you want to say to this character?
It's not your fault!! I don't CARE what the council said, they're a bunch of overreacting DOUCHES who NEVER recognized your worth until too late! You did you best. HE failed YOU, not the other way around! So please stop blaming yourself! *tacklehugs*
8.) What do you want to do with this character?
Give him a hug and make him feel wanted. Until he starts feeling smug. Then he needs a smack.
9.) Please choose five friends with your choice of character.
Meh. I'll be lazy. Whoever wants it, comment and I'll give you a character.