Hey everybody!
These are just a bunch of miscellaneous fanarts I posted on Tumblr or various other places this year, and I thought I'd just put them all up together over here since my journal is my primary fangirling center XD
Soraya, The Farsala Trilogy - This one kind of reminds me of my icon ....
This is a traditional fanart....Alissa, The Truth Series - It's about 25% true to the book and 75% artistic liscence....but....this looks alot cooler, yah?
Gen and Irene, of course! From the ever amazing Queen's Thief Series! And Look! I drew a guy! *And* a person in profile! Two things I'm usually pretty bad at XD
Nico, from The Legend of Eli Monpress - The reason for this fanart is pretty much: I have glitter brushes and I'm not afraid to use them!!
Miranda and co., from The Legend of Eli Monpress - This is actually the first fanart I did with the Graphics tablet my parents gave me for Christmas....(Wait, so if this is fthe first one, why isn't it first in the post, you say? Ask LJ. *Shakes head at LJ antics*)
This is my latest and greatest fanart....Josef and Nico from The Legend of Eli Monpress - Look! Another guy! Well, another guy from the back....but a guy all the same! And I'm proud of this one because of the more complex poses I tried this time.
Thanks for looking!