Kuzy and the big bad 14th

Jan 12, 2010 21:09

But Kuzu didn’t start hating him, actually truly loathing him until the nightmares. The 14th has terrible, horrible nightmares, which leads to insomnia. Kuzu tried to comfort him during these horrible nightmares, which sadly did not end well. When the 14th found out, he was awkard and teased him about it, and made fun of him and made him feel horrible and embarrassed and stupid for even trying. The thing is, Kuzu doesn’t like seeing people hurt. He doesn’t like seeing people upset, or having nightmares or any of that. Hell, he’d probably even help Tyki if he was hurt badly enough, that is how much he hates seeing people in pain. But this results in CONFLICT with his Bookman not having a heartness, so basically he is going against everything he knows to try and help the 14th a little bit, when he’s angry at him no less, and the 14th... Throws it back in his face. It’s the straw that broke the camel’s back, Kuzu is so fed up at this point, he wants the 14th out of his life. In their threads, he’s holding back how much he hates him, he’s trying to get back his mask of stoic unfeeling Bookman. And the 14th kills that in him every time with how annoying and button push-y he is :< And now his perception of everything will be screwed again with this de-aging thing, because the 14th is being nice again and Aubrey actually kind of likes him. So god knows how he’ll react when he ages back up, the 14th screws everything to hell.
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