*joins the bandwagon*

Mar 02, 2003 18:16

[Last time you..]
Really Smiled : hmm... yesterday X3;;; read great book. The main character was just so witty XD;;;;;;

Laughed : o.o yesterday. Again.

Cried : o_O;;;;;; today, if you must know

Danced : dancing = drawing attention to. I only draw attention to my *good* qualities >.> not meh bad ones

Were sarcastic : o_o today. Probably. When I was IMing people I was prolly saracastic at least once o.o;;

Kissed someone : whooo XD twas yesterday - I had a fling with a hippie demon!! nah o.o actually twas like -.o ee... just a few seconds ago. Kissed Dad on the cheek. Or did I just hug him? o.O;; hell if know

Watched your favorite movie : ;_____; too long ago!!

Had a nightmare : it was last night X3;;;;;;;;;;;;; my internet went down. That's really what I dreamed XD;;;;;;;;;

Were lulled to sleep by the thought of someone : o.O hm. Nope. I think about PEOPLE a lot but that just makes me angry and stay up longer o_o;;

Last book you read : completed? Don't Think Twice. read? Mirage.

Last song you heard: I'm listening to "Happiness and the Fish" by Our Lady Peace XD! (yes, Ka has made me obsessed too >.>;; )

Last thing you had to drink : I'm drinking vanilla coke

Last thing you ate : a glazed donut X3!

[ Fashion ]
Do you wear a watch : I had one o.o think meh dog ate it o.O;;

How many coats and jackets do you own : two sweaters and a big fake fur coat Mum bought for me that I hate x.X;;

Most expensive item of clothing : o.o does jewelry count? if so, jewelry. If not, me tops ^-^

What kind of shoes do you wear : boots and slip ons X3

[ Friends ]
Do your friends 'know' you : o.O err... depends. Vic and Maria prolly know me the most o_o the only people I'll 'spill my guts', so to speak ^^

What do they tend to be like : people I think understand me ^-^ and get depressed like me o.o and are bi/gay like meh ^.^ yea, in order to get under meh skin you have to be a depressive bi person XD!!

Are there traits in you that are universally liked : o.O err... I tend not to judge people by how I personally would feel but by how they treat/respect other people ^_^; does that count?

Are there people that you tell everything to: Vic. Maria. o.o; moreso Vic.

[ Other ]
Favorite band ever: *ponders* o.O;; I *like* lots of bands, probably my favorite is Lifehouse ^-^

Most listened to bands : Goo Goo Dolls, Good Charlotte, Lifehouse, Bowling for Soup...

Do you find any musicians good-looking : o.O;; don't look at that that much. In my opinion, you should sing if you can sing, not mattering if yer hot or not ^-^

Can you play an instrument : XDDDDDDDDD;;;;;;;;;;; yer joking RIGHT?

Type of music listened to: rock, pop, rap XD maybe some heavy metal too

Type never listened to : classical -.-

[ Religion ]
Do you detest religion : religion isn't bad in itself ^_^ it's just when people go a teeny bit overboard and start accusing other people of being 'evil' because they don't believe in whatever religion it is. But no, I don't think religion's really eeevil or anything ^^ I just think you should realize your opinion isn't everyone else's and respect that the way you would different food tastes *oh yes, I'm one to talk with "YOU DON'T LIKE COCONUT?! O_____O"*

How do you think this universe was formed : I don't reeeeally believe anything, come to it o.o;;

If you currently follow a religion, do you think people who belong to another religion are ignorant: -.o *twitchtwitch* NEVER -.-;; even if I DID belong to a religion (which I don't) it would be prejudiced to believe someoen was ignorant just because they worshipped something different than me o.o no, I'm not some saint but prejudice is one thing I really get pissed off at ^^

[ Homosexuality ]
What is the first thing you think when you see two gay guys or lesbians holding hands : whoot for gay rights!! XD

Do you agree or disagree with gay or lesbian couples bringing up children : why should it matter if they're gay or het? o_O;; I mean, if they don't beat them, if they love them, hell I'm all for it ^.^ and don't give me the "they need a mother and a father figure" shit -_- just go and steal all the single parents of the world's children why don't you?

[ General Questions ]
Whom do you believe is the smartest man alive at the moment: definitely not the US president -_-

What do you prefer, a sunny or rainy day : rain ^-^

Do you consider yourself lucky : o.o depends when you catch me... now... I say yea ^-^

Do you feel pity for people who commit suicide : I feel empathy for them actually >_>

Choose one word to describe how you feel most often : whoooooo XD

[ Stuff ]
Do you own any plaid clothing : plaid? o_O eeeee... x.x

Do you own Converse shoes : nope

Do you own red shoes : o.o I like black and brown shoes. Blue if they're sneakers x.x

Do you own old school Nikes : boots are good. I don't like tennis shoes x.x

Do you wear tight pants : T^T I can't find any that fit dammit!! the sevens are too big T_____T;;

Is there more than one zipper in your pants : o.o;; nope

Do you own a messenger bag : o.o uh-uh

Do you wear your messenger bag across your chest : no~~

Do you own braces : need some XD

Are braces worn anywhere besides the mouth : do I care? o.o

Do you have short, shaggy hair : 'tis short but beautiful you!! T^T;; *pats her hair*

Does your hairstyle exceed a height of 3 inches : I... think so o.o;;

Would you classify your hair as a deadly weapon : oh yes -_-; fear my hair. It can thwop you. If you get so close to my neck you'd be breathing on it.

Do you think mohawks are "neat" : X3333;;;;;;;;;; nononono. My cousin got one. This dude on my bus got one. X3;; they are so stupid.

Is your hair black or red : o.o 'tis brown you eejit

Do you have a favorite brand of hair dye : considering I've never dyed my hair can I skip this...? -.o

Do you own a bandana : nope o_o won't let us wear them to school X3;;;; say it makes us look like we're from a gang

Do you wear plugs in your ears : used to ^.^

Are you amused by safety pins : only when incredibly board o.o;

Have you ever used duct tape as a sewing substitute : staples work much better ^_^

Do you own one or more objects with studs or spikes in them : nope o-O

Do you own one or more articles of clothing from Dogpile, Lip Service, or Tiger of London : whooooo~ no~

Do you enjoy leopard print: me chair's leopard print XDD and mum has some leopard print underwear o-o;;;

[ Habits/Beliefs ]
Are you disgruntled (having a general hate for everything): o.o twas about two hours ago. I wrote an email to Vic XD that helped!!

Are you an anarchist : does that mean I get to rebel against the male-dominated society if I am? XD

*gives definiton for Ka*
Main Entry: an·ar·chism
Pronunciation: 'a-n&r-"ki-z&m, -"när-
Function: noun
Date: 1642
1 : a political theory holding all forms of governmental authority to be unnecessary and undesirable and advocating a society based on voluntary cooperation and free association of individuals and groups]

meaning they're reeeeebels XDD!!

Does the American flag anger you : may I ask why I live in America if it did...?

Are you "working class" : meaning middle class? ^_^ yea. Kinda upper middle class.

Do you dislike "preps" : wazat? <-- Ka -.- EVILEVIL people >_< think err... snobs ^-^ judge you by who you hang out with and fashion instead of yer personality -.-;;

Do you dislike Hot Topic : o.O don't shop there. I like Fang personally XD

Do you smoke cigarettes : yes, I'm really going to damage my body that way -_-;;

Do you smoke cloves : nope ^.^

Are you a thin waif : oh yes **.** I just fall into the arms of the big uber-strong dude I love when anyone pushes me around. -.-;; feh...

Are you vegan/vegetarian : me wants to be ;.; but me loves lamb ;___;

Do you think meat is murder : o.o no

Do your nighttime activites usually involve drunken underage vomiting : XD;;;;;;;;;;;; I would be so dead by now

Have you ever slept in an alley or park : ;_; me likes my bed. Ish comfy. Park no comfy.

Do you wash your hair less than once a week : O-O never!! I may skip a day but we all get busy o_O;;; but a WEEK? x.x;;

Have you ever gone a week without a shower : stinkiness @.@

Have you ever been avoided due to your odor : o_O I use a lot of deodorant so I think not...

Are you a member of the Makeout Club : no o_o

Do you say "rad" : *lifts eyebrow* Only when imitating eejits -.-

What's your name? Booksprite ^-^ Boo. Bookie. Beth. Not A Hypocrite (dun ask).

Where are you from? really I'm an elf >} an elf who tried to take over the world so they sent me to be a human ;-;

What's your favorite vegetable?: anything made from potatoes ^-^

Does coffee suck? never tried it o.o;;

Who's the most beautiful *by your definition of "beautiful"*? Maria ^-^

Are you in love? o.O hm... I don't *think* so but I'm always kinda clueless to me feelings X3;;;

Do you like potatoes? *.* 'specially mashed potatoes!! XD

So you wear make-up? ^_^ yep. o.O though normally just because I'm bored and decorating your face it surprisingly fun XD meh favorite brand of lip gloss is LipLites XD smell like desserts~~ X3~~

Sweden or norway? Norway ^-^ they promote gender-equality you know

Do you play video games? ;_; have nothing to play them on

What's your middle name? Elizabeth o.o

Any siblings? :3 I'm an only child.

Do you get along with them? with my imaginary siblings? *serious nod* of course. They alway steal my cds though, little brats -.-

What's the last cd you bought? The Goo Good Dolls "Gutterflower"

What's the best cd you own? Lifehouse!! XD or 3 Doors Down

What's the worst cd you own? o-o Britney Spears... save me from my eight-year-old self's likes T^T

How old are you? o_o you care because...? fine. 14. Yes, and I'm a perv even now ^_^ be afraid.

What's more important: nice eyes or nice arms? nice eyes ^-^

Do you know who blindside are? o.o nope

If you do, do you like them?

Spearmint or peppermint? peppermint~ XD

What's the most comfortable pair of shoes you own? my boots!! X3

Do you like these surveys? great for taking up time ^_^

What's your favorite color? lavender or blue ^-^

What's your favorite fruit? strawberries :3~~ bananas~

Is pornography gross or entertaining?: o.O; hm... I am perv. Yet porn doesn't make me excited x.x so... err..? blank?

Do you believe that there is a God? actually I'm pondering becoming a 'believer' o.O Ka's so going to kill me >__> not going to be a Christian or anything ^^ I think I'll be like Vic's dad - believe in God but not really anything

Are you still in school? yes ;_;

Does AOL suck? AIM does -_- Yahoo's much better.

Is punk dead? o.o; *hums~*

Best band in the world is? o.O;; I would have said Lifehouse but now Ka has me listening to OLP T^T;;;

Which brand of deodorant/anti perspirant do you use? Teen Spirit Stick!! XD;;;

What's your favorite brand of gum? bubble yum o.o;;

If you could marry anyone in the world, man or woman, celebrity or non-celebrity, living or dead, who would it be? o.o; *thinks* that sculptor dude I saw in a magazine once XD he had nipple rings. Sounds gross but twas cool!! XD~

Why? he was hot o.O;; and he was a sculptor!! ^-^ and he was a biscuit o.o;;

What are your parents' names? Tammy and James o.o;

Color or colour? I think colour looks prettier XD

What's your favorite kind of music? rock tis XD

Do you wear glasses? used to; need new ones X3;;;;

Did you enjoy your high school experience? I haven't gotten to high school yet o.O;;

Who's your favorite comedian? Lily Tomlin XD "Man first walked upright to free his hands for masturbation" X3;;;;;;;

Who do you wish you could smack in the face? o.o anyone who'll scream loudly in english >3

Was your childhood enjoyable? I dunno. twas cool o.O read lotsa books. drew a lot. was hated by most. was kinda fat x.X;;;

What's your favorite kind of cheese? Swiss!! XD I like to look through the holes X3;;;

What's your "guilty pleasure" movie? o.O; "Legally Blonde"...?

Did the 80s suck? the music was evil x.x

What's your favorite curse word? *ponders* Hell. Shit. Shoot. Shoot-itty-shoot (just don't ask X3;;) crap. mostly shit and shoot ^-^

Do you like donuts? *.* marvelous and fattening!

Do you hate these questions? o.O;; not really
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