My first H/D story. (Or part I, anyway)

Oct 24, 2010 11:26

Title: Light of My Life Series; Prologue
Author: BooksmartMione
Characters: Harry, Draco, Ron, Hermione
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Harry Potter and Potterverse are the sole property of J.K. Rowling. I am merely a college student killing time between classes.
Summary: A fact that Draco had always taken for granted was that Harry was invincible. A series of challenges requiring adult-level skill at the age of 11? No problem. Facing a Basilisk at 12? Potter had done it without an issue. He had defeated a bloody Dark Lord! So Draco figured he didn't have to worry when Harry had become an auror.

Draco didn’t glance up as the Floo activated in the next room.

“What did I say about owling when you’d be home late?”

Leaden footsteps paused and Draco looked up to see Ron Weasley standing in the doorway, his face pale and blood staining his auror robes.
“Weasley?” Ron didn’t respond. Draco sprang from the chair and crossed to his side. “Weas-Ron? Ron.” He snapped his fingers in front of Ron’s face. “Talk to me. Where’s Harry?”

Ron glanced away from Draco’s face and said in a choked voice, “Harry’s in St. Mungo’s.”

Draco’s eyes widened and he said haltingly, “But he’ll be alright.” Ron didn’t answer. “He’ll be alright, won’t he Weasley? Come on, it’s Potter! He’s always alright! He took on the bloody Dark Lord!”

Ron clamped his lips together and ushered Draco to the floo and called out ‘St. Mungo’s!’ They arrived in the Emergency Care Unit. The room was a flurry of activity, with aurors outing reporters from the room, Healers rushing back and forth with medical equipment and mediwitches scurrying to do a million different tasks all at once. Ron tugged Draco close to him as they navigated through the crowd. Aurors had to forcibly restrain the reporters from re-entering when they saw the two men.

A Healer in dark green came to a halt in front of them. Draco opened his mouth to speak but the words wouldn’t come. Ron stepped in and asked where Harry was being kept. The Healer directed them to a private room at the end of the hall. The door was shut and the curtains blocked any view from the window. Draco’s eyes lit upon the handle of the door. He blinked when the Healer suddenly blocked his view.
“Mr. Malfoy, I’m sorry-they’re not letting anyone in at the moment.”

“You don’t understand! I have to be in there!” Desperation etched deep lines on Draco’s face as he plead to enter the room.

“We’re doing our best-but we still haven’t managed to stop the bleeding.” Draco’s face lost all traces of color. “Your presence would serve only to distract the people trying to save Mr. Potter’s life.” Draco bit his lip and nodded a reluctant acceptance.

The Healer strode past him and into Harry’s room. Draco turned to Ron with clenched fists and demanded, “Weasley. What the hell happened to Harry? Why is he bleeding? And for the love of Merlin-is he going to be alright?”

Ron, weariness evident in his every move, put his back against the wall and slid down to the ground. He waved a hand at the space next to him, and Draco slid next to him. Minutes had passed when Ron began to speak. “It was supposed to be a routine mission. A simple domestic disturbance.” He drew in a shuddering breath. “Greyback was waiting for us. He took out 3 of us without breaking a sweat. It was too damn close to the full moon-that monster didn’t feel a thing we threw at him. We sent the new guy, Rodriguez, to go get back up. Harry and I had backed him into a corner. Harry sent a hex that finally brought the bastard down.” Ron rested his arms on his knees and spoke to the ground. “We didn’t see Bellatrix behind us. She shot a slicing spell right at Harry. We couldn’t block it. Rodriguez came back with reinforcements and took her down.” He looked past Draco with pain darkening his eyes. “I tried everything. Episky didn’t have any affect. He was losing so much blood. I apparated to St. Mungo’s right away. They don’t recognize the spell she used. It looks like it was Dark Magic.” Ron trailed off, spent from his explanation. Draco shivered and drew his knees closer to his body, gently rocking back and forth. He wasn’t the type to pray, but he found himself making all the promises in the world if Harry was all right.

Hours passed with Ron and Draco sitting on the cold floor outside Harry’s door. Hermione brought food and hot coffee and begged them to eat something. Draco refused to move until she pointed out that Harry would want him to. He forced down the food and it felt like cardboard moving down his throat. Not even Ron wolfed down his food as he usually did. At some point Mrs. Weasley had come and wrapped Draco in a warm hug. He couldn’t bring himself to hug back or to move his eyes from the closed door for an instant.

After what seemed an eternity of waiting, a Healer swept from the room. Draco, Ron and Hermione were on their feet at once, questions ready to spring from their lips at a moment’s notice. The Healer lifted a quelling hand and began to speak.

“We’ve stopped the bleeding.” Draco’s breath wooshed out of him in relief and his knees began to quake. “Because he lost so much blood, he hasn’t regained consciousness. His vitals are deteriorating. If he goes another 24 hours without waking up, we’ll have to discuss the options.” Draco shook quietly, trying to suppress any open emotion from showing.

In the background, he heard Granger questioning the Healer. He interrupted quietly, “Can I see Harry now?” The Healer’s face creased with empathy and he nodded to him.

Draco grasped the handle and crossed to Harry’s side. Seeing Harry in a hospital bed didn’t feel right. Harry was the sort of person who was always moving-so full of energy. His presence filled up a room. This…person… on the bed wasn’t Harry. It was a shell. He looked so pale, his dark hair matted with sweat and his arms limp at his sides. Draco didn’t think he’d ever seen Harry so still. Even in sleep, Harry twisted and turned. They’d go to sleep in an orderly bed and wake up with pillows strewn around the room and blankets gathered at the bottom of the bed. Draco never minded, because he usually woke up with his head cradled in Harry’s arms.

His musings were interrupted by a light knock at the door.

Ron put a comforting hand on his shoulder and said in a strong voice, “Draco, mate. We’ll be with you the whole time. Don’t worry-Harry’s been through a lot worse than this. He’s always fine.”

And so the three sat, watched, and waited.

End of Part I

4 parts to follow.

h/d, light of my life series

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