Mar 10, 2005 22:11
Dear FameTracker Forums:
For 5 years, you have been the most awesome thing on the internet for me, terrifically moderated and well run, and populated by insanely smart people with great opinions about celebrities, movies, music, and fame. Insanely funny people. People who used proper grammar. No emoticons. No !!!1!!!1!!, except in an ironic manner. Correct spelling and punctuation. It was a joy to lurk.
Now you are closing on March 14th, and the mods have stopped moderating. Watching the forums disintegrate into madness truly is like watching Rome burn, as OriginalCalvin said so perfectly in the Britney thread. I had no idea that so many people had so much pent up angst about the moderating. For me, the forums were a place to go when I was stressed out, or sad, and I could always count on someone to say something horribly witty or utterly hilarious. It was a tool of procrastination. I was always up on celeb gossip, and allowed me to hone my own anylytical skills. I just plain loved FT.
Thank you Wing Chun, Glark, Man From F.U.N.K.L.E, Sars and all the funny posters over the years.
Love, Laura