
Mar 19, 2006 21:54


I'm watching eps 174-176 right now. The Tezu-Fuji match, right. And I'm supposed to be analysing it from the perspective of slashiness, because a couple of people have asked me to talk about how I read those eps as a Tezuka/Ryoma shipper.

BUT LIKE. omfg I can't analyze anything because Tezuka is so hot. Seriously, SO ( Read more... )

potcaps, tezbear

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wonapalei March 20 2006, 03:00:13 UTC

I will now go write self-insert fic in which Tezuka is my big brother and I set him up with Ryouma. Because that is the only way to stop myself from writing self-insert fic wherein I set him up with me. SO INCREDIBLY GUH.


bookshop March 20 2006, 03:08:37 UTC

And of course, his expression in every pic is exactly the same. *_* Oh Tezbear. How can anyone fail to love you.


flyby March 20 2006, 03:35:56 UTC
Clearly this is because there is no Ryoma to make him emote.


wonapalei March 20 2006, 03:42:11 UTC
Why is it that Tezuka does not seem to be pursued by fangirls? I know in the first tournament, when they're registering, a couple of girls (not from Seigaku) scream "Tezuka-san! Look this way!" and then get all bouncy and kyaaah!, but there doesn't seem to be any follow-up to that. And he certainly has nothing like the Ryouma-sama fanclub at Seigaku practices--though even that dwindles down to just Sakuno and Tomo-chan. Yet you'd think Tezuka, at least, would have devoted followers as well. Has he scared them all off by disapproving of their behavior? Or are they just too intimidated by him to even start?


storyteller March 20 2006, 03:56:31 UTC
They were coming too close to realizing that he and Echizen were shagging, so he asked Fuji to talk to them.

No one ever saw them again.


aziraphale_mel March 20 2006, 04:13:50 UTC
No one ever saw them again.



happiestwhen March 20 2006, 04:29:00 UTC


venivincere March 20 2006, 05:21:17 UTC
They probably caught him reading Gravitation in the library and realized the truth of the matter.


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