Things and Sundry.

Mar 25, 2013 23:28

  • We have surpassed the Kickstarter goal for Fight Like a Girl by a stunning $1,000!!!!!! I am in complete shock. Thank you to all of you. <3
  • I have been invited to participate in a BBC panel on Adria Richards and sexism in geek culture tomorrow! I'm going to be debating a mens' rights activist!  I am a terrible debater so I will own that even under normal circumstances I would be terrified. Under these circumstances, haha, well, I have no idea what will happen, but I will do my best to represent the idea that women wanting to participate in geek culture, and/or assert their right to a safe, comfortable atmosphere while doing so, does not make them worthy of rape/death threats/firing/doxing/endless waves of harassment.
  • When I was 13, my mom gave me a tour book for Christmas. I stared at it in confusion, because it was a tour book of New York City. When I opened it, the frontispiece read, "Start spreading the news, we're leaving in March..." and that was how I found out that after years of dreaming, I was going to New York for the first time.
  • After years of dreaming, I am moving to Brooklyn. I have wanted to live in New York since I was old enough to imagine myself as a grown up. I can't put a name to this feeling in my chest. And I can't wait to see so many of you there. ♥♥♥♥
  • How are all of you??
UPDATE: I'm apparently doing the panel today with one of the creators of the "Feminist Victims' Fund" on Reddit. Yes, really.

The broadcast should happen today at 5pm Eastern (9pm UTC/GMT). You can listen to it live here. Wish me luck!

me, 2013, life

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