In case you've missed it:
LJ has just announced
its latest public beta release. In this release:
LJ is doing away with customized friends pages and turning everyone's friends pages into a default style (yes, like on your Tumblr dash). It is supposed to look like this (via twissie) --
--but in actuality looks like this:
LJ is also implementing endless friends page scrolling (yes, like on your Tumblr dash) with no ability to opt-out.
LJ is also adding a new post notification button (yes, like on your Tumblr dash)
LJ is also adding the ability to pay to promote your entries in other people's journals (yes, like on your Tumblr dash)
LJ is also inserting a scrolling nav on the sidebar with a giant pop-out calendar to follow you as you scroll (wtf)
they need the giant pop-out calendar because along with non-optional endless scrolling, they're also doing away with the "previous" and "next" ability to navigate your friends page.
twissie has more screencaps / comments on their journal.
Note: The first comment on lj-releases' post links to the Daily Dot article announcing that LJ has quietly downsized its U.S. offices (including terminating its U.S. General Manager and media relations positions) without any kind of public announcement.