OTW, or, I am exhausted. <-- if you only read one link about the OTW election, make it this one.
If you're an OTW member, I believe you need to vote in this election. The org has gone through a lot of recent growing pains, and we have the opportunity to take it forward in a really positiive, progressive direction. Or, as outgoing
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I prefer giving people the benefit of doubt, so I'm operating under the assumption -- or just simply hoping -- that those who've been fingered as negatively impacting the OTW's development have been unaware of coming across as dismissive/uncaring, or of how seriously the current management system is bringing down morale; and, more importantly, that they'll do what they can to fix the problem now that it's been pointed out instead of reacting defensively. It'll be interesting to see how they respond.
Ironically, I'm now genuinely interested in the OTW for the first time. :) I knew vaguely that it was involved with projects other than AO3, but had no idea what those were. 'Open Doors' sounds like it has the potential for incredible awesomeness. I also had no idea that there was a possibility of expanding AO3 to host fanfic from other languages, or if that has happened already; I'd love to see Chinese fandom move to a less transitory home than all the various free, ad-plastered BBS services or forums that die out after a couple of years.
Yay silver lining?
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