It's like the Pon Farr of fic reading.

Sep 05, 2011 10:42

Here is a thing about me. About once every 3 or 4 months or so I start craving modern Arthur/Merlin AUs, and nothing will satisfy me but modern Merlin AUs, where Arthur is a business exec and Merlin his lowly PA, or Merlin is a starving hipster artist and Arthur his unlikely jock roommate from university, or any number of rom-com AUs, or someone ( Read more... )

fandom, sga, gay serial killers, je suis loser

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Comments 49

cherrybina September 5 2011, 14:49:35 UTC
HI AJA HI :D I am way behind on fic reading myself so I do not have specific recs, but have you read all the big bangs over at paperlegends? Posting just wrapped up and there's a masterlist that includes summaries, and I know some of them are modern AUs.


bookshop September 5 2011, 14:54:20 UTC


I have not read them! I did not even know it was posting now! MY TIMING IS PERFECT. HURRAH! *dashes off*


laliandra September 5 2011, 15:04:59 UTC
So obviously you know I am going to pimp you a really horrifying amount of Jesse/Andrew, right? I feel like I should warn you in advance. And maybe some other terrible cliche ridden nonsense also because I will read a good modern AU in pretty much anything even if I don't know the source at all.

I think I'm Doing It Wrong.


bookshop September 5 2011, 15:08:19 UTC


i don't think you're doing it wrong, i know tons of people who'll read in any fandom If The Trope Is Right. I don't really have any idea what makes me read fics in random fandoms, but it definitely at least in part helps for it to be an AU requiring me to know nothing about canon, haha.


laliandra September 5 2011, 16:14:40 UTC
Basically while we were avoiding writing our Big Bangs a bunch of us ended up pretty much picking a trope and writing Andrew/Jesse for it? So expect some more terribleness SOON.


That is also what I like. No canon, just fic! Sometimes I will google image the people but frankly sometimes not. IDK, most of my other friends are pretty monofannish and can't ever imagine just dabbling. I'm pretty sure I lost a good chunk of my life to your SGA AU delicious tag, once upon a time, btw. Of course that was one of the times where the AUs were like a gateway drug...


laliandra September 5 2011, 16:09:56 UTC
So! Luckily for me (for you, for me /Randy Jackson) Andrew/Jesse is mostly made entirely of implausibly romantic happy ending trope filled sugary goodness. Though in the fandom's defence, the canon is the happiest of all the canon. Do you want a primer or anything, btw? Though this gif is probably enough.


I would say read all of passe-simple 's fics. There's something for everyone! There's the Truth About Cats and Dogs AU (a movie I hated but the fic makes it work) the coffee shop AU, the one where Andrew is left a baby and the Shelter AU.

I know you've read torakowalski's Notting Hill AU but I'm linking it again for anyone else who wants to read it, and they should, because it's adorable. She also wrote Nowhere Else On Earth That I Would Rather Be" which is a Next Door Neighbours (is there a trope name for that?) AU of supreme cuteness, with a really lovely light touch and a happy making lack of Fixed By Love.

Then there is the Sky High AU! I don't know if this counts under your purview of modern AUs but I frickin love Sky High AUs, no shame ( ... )


ifeelbetter September 5 2011, 15:08:34 UTC
Merlin modern AUs: seriously like crack. I know. I get the same craving every couple of months. I don't even watch the show anymore, really, seeing as I am behind two seasons or something. But I still get the craving like whoa.

My favs, on the random off chance you haven't come upon one of them:

Easy There by syllic. Oxford, rowing, magic, best thing ever.

rageprufrock's surprisingly fabulous two part unfinished mpreg publishing AU. But we all know Pru types gold, yes?

Keep Calm and Carry On by tongueincheeky which combines West Wing AU (which I also can never resist) with the aforementioned addictive problem I have with Merlin modern AUs. Plus it is awesome. So. There's that.

One Night Stands are a Great Way to Meet People by giselleslash. They do rom-com backwards. It is awesome.

(I think I use the word "awesome" too much but I also can't stop myself.)

Love, Toast, and Post-it Notes by themadlurker, in which Merlin loves the flat. Obvs. Not Arthur at all.

Jersey fic by glimmergirl. That is all.

more unfinished awesome by rageprufrock, but this time about music.

That's what I got.

... )


bookshop September 6 2011, 01:15:00 UTC

i unequivocally love ALL of the recs you've listed here that I haven't read, so OBVIOUSLY BRB READING THE ONES I HAVEN'T RIGHT NOW. <33333



ifeelbetter September 6 2011, 04:26:18 UTC
Oh. Yes. That. I should probably finish that. Right. Oh dear....-_-;;

I should probably, actually, stop reading all the things that have been recced here and do that.

Or....I could read more Merlin AUs.


subtlefire September 5 2011, 15:17:51 UTC
I don't watch Merlin, but I do read Merlin AUs on occasion when I can't resist one of marguerite_26's recs, damn her. Oh, and cherrybina too sometimes, damn her as well. And possibly that commenter on this post who just left a list of very intriguing recs, damn thrice.

I haven't the first clue what you have or haven't read (I assume you've just not read the most recent?), but here are Maggie's rec lists:

Modern AU Arthur/Merlin Recs [A-N]
Modern AU Arthur/Merlin Recs [O-Z]

Have you read the Merlin/Doctor Who (Eleven) crossover one?


frogspace September 5 2011, 17:43:15 UTC
I second Maggie's recs. If you like modern AUs, you can't go wrong with this rec list. Check out her Merlin recs tag for the recent stuff that isn't on the list yet.


laura_iskra September 5 2011, 15:23:05 UTC
well, giselleslash stories always leave warm fuzzy and with a huge smile on my face, whatever the pairing :p

here is her fic list :p


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