Jul 16, 2011 20:44

Idk if it's because I have a bit of free time for the first time in a long while to stretch out and be fannish, or because of the wave of fannish nostalgia rolling wonderfully over my flist because of the final HP movie, or because of the other wave of fannish nostalgia rolling over my flist because TODAY IS THE BIRTHDAY OF THE INCEPTION FANDOM :DDDD - or if it's because of my own wave of nostalgia for Prince of Tennis, but omg I am so full of fannish love today!

And, in a wonderful display of synchronicity, not only is today the 1st birthday of Inception fandom, but also---

2 years ago today I threw my amazing fabulous H/D Revival Party :D :D :D :D

it feels like yesterday! Like absolutely no time has passed at all. :D

A bunch of people have asked me why I said I didn't really want to see the final movie (up til last night I hadn't seen HPDH part 1, but then my old friend galen75 sat me down and basically said YOU'RE WATCHING, DEAL WITH IT and I had the happy inconvenience of watching it after all :D). I think the main reason is that people have been treating the advent of the final movie like it's the ending of the fandom, the ending of the HP experience, and I just don't want to feel that way. I want to watch the last movie one day when I'm with a bunch of HP fans that I love, who've been my friends with me in HP fandom for a decade, who'll always be my friends. I want to watch it one day when it's no big deal, because it's just like any other day, really, because HP never ends.

In honor of HP never ending, here are some of my favorite HP-related things I've seen floating around this week!

This amaaaaazing Harry Potter "Friday" Parody. :D omg I want this kid to be my Harry <3

image Click to view

Tom ♥!!!!, Rupert, and Matthew attempt their best Americanisms! (P.S. if you haven't seen the first amazing video from last year where Dan/Rupert/Tom/Emma tried this, YOU HAVE TO OMG HERE IT IS):


image Click to view

And now, I have questions for all of you!
- It's been a full 2 years since my H/D revival post! 2 years is like dog years in HP fandom time! What are the new HP classics that amalin and I haven't read yet????
- HP fandom has been brimming all over the WHOLE WORLD the past few weeks! omg i am getting giddy just thinking about it. What are your favorite HP fandom things! ALL THE THINGS, PLEASE :D :D :D


hp fandom, h/d

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