Spoiler Post for the Demon's Covenant!

May 16, 2010 21:41


From here on in, there will be Spoilers for both books in the Demon's Lexicon Series.

Ahhhhhh *runs around*

eta: ok out of fear of accidentally spoiling people with multiple cut tags on my giveaway post, I am relocating my book squee here. So: SPOILERS AHEAD. I'm not ( Read more... )

squee, books

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bookshop May 17 2010, 11:51:17 UTC

T-SHIRT SOLIDARITY, IT WAS SO GREAT, god, i cried so much at Mae and Jamie, the WHOLE TIME i was just like *burble* and like, trying not to get all teary in public places, hahaha.

omfg Daniel, his diary, his slow, deepening affection, how did everyone in this book manage to break my heart and make me so angry with them all at once. :(((((( or i should say, all the boys. the girls never made me angry, they were all amazing. oh, and HOW HOT WERE JESSICA AND CELESTE. SMOKING HOT. VILAINNESSES FTW.


spiderstars May 17 2010, 07:21:26 UTC
As this seems like a post that will gladly welcome flailing, I figure I should go ahead and present my opinions. 60 pages in and:

- Mae/Sin. I am shipping it so hard and it is perfect for me already. I want it to happen.
- Jamie I love you and I love that you are normal and sane and don't want people to get hurt by also the common sense department was not kind to you when you were born, was it?
- I cannot decide if, were I to encounter Alan one day, I would hug him or run screaming.



bookshop May 17 2010, 11:52:15 UTC

jamie, jamie, jamie, he grows so much in this book. I LOVE HIM SO :(

Mae/Sin is my happiest of places, there needs to be fic immediately.


thegreatmissjj May 17 2010, 11:59:41 UTC

I cried. I actually cried at the end of this book. This is monumental because NOTHING makes me cry in books. Except mother-daughter issues (RAMONA AND HER MOTHER), Markus Zusak (FLAIL), and the Crawfords. Oh Mae. Oh Jamie. In many ways, I twigged harder to their relationship than I did with Nick and Alan. I like Nick and Alan, or rather, I like the idea of Nick and Alan, but man, I have to agree with you. Older Ryves brother is becoming less and less my cup of tea. I'd always been iffy about him since the first book, mostly because sweet and sensitive is not quite my thing. Sweet, sensitive, and possibly emotionally damaged beyond repair = REALLY NOT MY THING. Poor Alan; it's not his fault, but man if I wouldn't be running in the opposite direction as fast as I possibly could if I met him in real life ( ... )


bookshop May 17 2010, 22:45:18 UTC
if Jamie/Gerald is wrong, I don't want to be right. OH CRAWFORDS. I love Gerald, especially after reading SRB's addition, and I loved *so* much that his reaction to seeing Nick heal Alan was not one of outrage but pure *bafflement* that Nick would trade all his power for the chance to heal Alan. He seemed so repeatedly baffled by the Crawfords and Jamie, too--and I just have this image in my mind of Gerald quietly convincing Celeste to go, leave them all in peace while Jamie sobbed over Annabel ( ... )


nixxy311 May 17 2010, 16:01:32 UTC
So glad to see others have finished it now...

I loved it as well. I had a ton of stuff going on this weekend, have 2 kids, and so I was very surprised I finished it in 2 days.

I was so amazed at Alan's ability to lie throughout this whole book.
Loved Jamie as well - and was not a fan much of Mae in TDL but really liked her. I even didn't mind the Nick/Mae stuff - which is weird cuz I'm more of a Nick/Jamie fan.

I have to say one of my favorite parts though in this one.. was the scene after Alan and Gerald talk and Gerald says his line about how "in two worlds, Nick is the most dangerous.."
Then Alan says to Nick that "in two worlds, there is no one who he loves more..." and Nick says that sometimes he wants to be human.

Actually that is probably my most favorite scene in both books.

So yay!!

Is it sad that Jamie and Mae remind me of Ryan and Sharpay from hsm ;)


bookshop May 17 2010, 22:50:53 UTC

I love that scene you mention. Oh, Alan. His love for Nick is basically all he has left. :( :( :( And now I want to read the whole book over again. :D

I can kind of see the Ryan thing, but I can't see Mae as Sharpay at *all*, lol :D


cobecat May 17 2010, 19:48:43 UTC
Man, I totally get how you feel about Alan but I can't help it: I LOVE him. He has a plan, and you know what, you're going to play a part in his plan on purpose or by accident and he's going to emotionally twist your arm as hard as he needs to because he's saving the world, dammit. <3


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