*Best Picture 2010 nominations list*
- Avatar <-- racist, imperialist
white liberal guilt fantasy (everyone, native peoples, mountains, animals, trees and tree-nerve-endings, get exploited by white people, awesome!!)
- The Blind Side <-- i haven't seen this, but true story notwithstanding the trailer just me cringe. It really, really seemed
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No, I'm glad you did! Thank you for pointing out Shoshanna, because I do agree she's important and her agency is extremely significant in a film where the overall message is, well, typical Tarantino, where women don't usually have much space. (I know, the Bride, I know. I WILL DEBATE VIOLENCE AS THE ONLY VALID FORM OF AGENY IN TARANTINO FILMS WITH YOU AT SOME POINT.)
Violence is Tarantino's raison d'etre, much as America's heartland was Ford's or crime/punishment is Scorsese's ( ... )
I'm not going to do that.
I respectfully step down from this conversation. Please no one flood my PM's.
well, i am mostly focusing on genderfail here because it is NOT within my power to educate anyone on Racefail at this point.
but i don't think you should ever feel guilty for enjoying your favorite genres of entertainment. I really really want to stress the idea that you can both love something to death and find it problematic. I mean look at romance novels for god's sake. They're so often patently anti-feminist but women LOVE them, and that has value. You loving Tarantino, me loving Hitchcock, both of us loving The Usual Fucking Suspects--those things are important, and I do not, in any way, want to give the impression that I'm judging you or anyone else for enjoying these films. I did invite you to defend them, and you have very eloquently. So thank you. <3
We're all entitled to opinions, and bless ya for being very up-front about yours. :D
Now that I've typed this, I guess I realize my problem is more with TV and movies in general. I'm just sick of women being portrayed as weak, as too emotional. I love Shosanna for what she did. I'm glad she's unique in this because she was the only real human character in a movie full of monsters. But my general feelings really colored the way I processed that scene.
You and several others have made this point, and even I sort-of made it when I said her compassion did her in. Then I rewatched the scene. And talked about it with my dad (who is a feminist, as if that needs to be said, but it helps to know I guess. IDEK). We couldn't see an iota of remorse or sympathy in what she did when she went to "check" on Zoller. If anything, what we saw was the classic Sergio Leone spaghetti Western trope of the nearly-victorious anti-hero parting the desert dust to make sure his arch-nemesis is dead...and it turns out the bastard was only playing possum. That's what we saw. Actually, before we rewatched it, I asked him, "Do you think Shoshanna showed sympathy to Zoller before he shot her?" and he replied immediately and firmly: "To a NAZI? HELL NO ( ... )
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