New Year's Resolution #7: Stop buying YA from Bloomsbury.

Jan 15, 2010 22:14

I've been looking forward to the debut YA novel Magic Under Glass for months. I ordered it before the first of the year! it came! The author, fabulousfrock, sent me a bookplate! I was excited!

And then I wasn't.

This is the description of the main character of Magic Under Glass from the review of the book by The Book Smugglers:

2010, an assortment of crappy things, politics, rants, books

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caterfree10 January 16 2010, 05:34:11 UTC
Sent my email. I cannot BELIEVE they had the audacity to do this bullshit again. >_<;


To the Marketing staff of Bloomsbury,

Despite the fact that I am now an adult, I still very much enjoy Young Adult novels and have read and purchased a good number from your publishing house. However, after not one, but TWO racist mishaps, I can no longer support your company in good conscience.

The first mistake was when the novel, Liar came out this past summer. The main character was a young black woman, yet the originally intended cover for US release was of a white woman. It was only after an outcry from readers across the country and the author herself on her blog that it was later changed to properly depict a black woman on the cover.

The second mistake was with the novel Magic Under Glass, this time being a novel about a woman from the Far East and described as brown. Yet again, the cover depicted a white woman instead of a woman of color on the cover.

It seems you did not learn your lesson the first time with Liar and as such, I will no longer buy anymore novels from your company until you learn that such discrimination is wrong and unjust. If this cannot be done in my lifetime, then neither I nor my family will support your company.

-[Real name goes here]


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