All cathy and I do is dream up fics we will never write

Aug 10, 2010 19:19

(We've also discussed about 6 different fic versions of limbo, future-fic angst paradoxes, team hijinks, and karaoke bar fics, but all you're getting is the Arthur/Eames bit because I'm shallow ( Read more... )

inception, my flist is sugoi, cathy is a horrible minion, fandom, chats

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Comments 24

loftily December 3 2009, 21:51:14 UTC
You know what you should do? You should make a post about Friday Night Lights.


bookshop December 3 2009, 22:03:50 UTC

i thought about adding it to the list, but i would rather be watching FNL instead. I DOWNLOADED THE NEXT 2 EPS ON MONDAY AND IT IS *KILLING* ME THAT I CANNOT WATCH THEM TIL THIS FIC IS DONE.


loftily December 4 2009, 07:16:18 UTC

This just reminded me that I have not watched FNL 4x05 and I am staring at my paper and staring at the FNL 4x05 window . . .


bookshop August 10 2010, 23:21:35 UTC



terribilita December 3 2009, 22:22:54 UTC
Holy fuck, I really want to read your H/D meta. *__*

And I must hear your thoughts on White Collar being anti-feminist. All I hear from fandom is how "OMG THE WIFE IS NOT JUST A WIFE YAY!" and "THREESOME YAY!", which, great, but I have yet to see any actual criticisms.


bookshop December 3 2009, 22:38:55 UTC

jfkjkld are you kidding? oh, fandom. (see, i haven't gone near the fandom in general because of this very thing, lol).

i mean, i *love* El, but i love her because I want to love her, not because she has been given any type of dimensionality whatsoever besides being the little helper who helps Peter with his cases, soothes his masculinity, puts together his parties for him, and above all, enables his primary relationship with Neal with total disregard for herself. She has *no* outside identity apart from him and his cases. She couldn't be any more traditional if you handed her a duster and put her in an apron.


terribilita December 4 2009, 02:31:46 UTC
I'll be honest, I haven't seen past episode 3 and haven't read much fic (this appears to be a big threesome fandom, which is a squick of mine). So I thought, from what I've been reading here and there, that El has evolved or been given more story in the more recent episodes. Wow, guess not. Oh, fandom indeed. .___.


windupbasilisk December 4 2009, 14:26:39 UTC
Oh fandom.

As always, "more than just a wife" actually means that the actress sells the part hard enough that people feel guilty about leaving her out when they slash the menz. At least OT3s are trendy enough now that there's a way around that?


frostheavens December 3 2009, 22:57:57 UTC
I read some of your House+Merlin talk on twitter (kdshfkgh creepy sorry) and I was really absorbed. Love to hear some more about that. Always excited about H/D meta!

Veeeery interested about anti-feminist White Collar, but I guess I have to get past ep 1 to really follow. Need more hours in a day ksajkgh.


zanzando December 7 2009, 17:57:21 UTC
As one of the three people involved, you are hereby 1/3 absolved of potential stalkery creepiness. I do it too - you're in good company. ;)


quimtessence December 4 2009, 01:03:25 UTC
excited about most of these; can't wait.


melodylemming December 4 2009, 03:56:10 UTC
I think I'm going to stop reading Nero Wolfe books for a while when I'm done with the current one but at some point you should ask me to synopsize all the slashiest moments in the first five or six books. In Too Many Cooks, Archie takes the time to explain that he is going to fade to black rather than explain how he gets Nero undressed.


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