Okay, proving that this thing has no validity at all:
Take the quiz at dicepool.com You are a good old-fashioned six-sided cube, otherwise known as a d6. Others know you to be plain, predictable, conservative, average, ordinary, and downright boring. You prefer to describe yourself as dependable, honest, practical and trustworthy. People usually know what to expect from you, since you rarely hold any surprises. You hate to make decisions, and if forced to decide, you'll always fall back on how it was done in the past. You always order the same thing at your favorite restaurant, and your jokes, while funny, are never too offensive. It seems that you are well liked, but maybe that's simply because there's nothing to hate.
I am not plain *or* predictable, *no one* would describe me as conservative, I am decidedly *not* ordinary, and I order all kinds of stuff in restaurants. I am change incarnate, and I tell dirty jokes. So there. d6 my ass.