There's been no fanfare, but this year is the 100th anniversary of the publication of Jack London's The Call of the Wild, a book that was originally intended for adults, thank you very much, and which is a cracking good read--the dog story to end all dog stories. Nowadays, it's sadly relegated to "kid book" status, when really it's no such thing (though the editors forced Jack to clean his language up a little because they felt that there would be plenty of young readers in addition to the intended audience--it was a crossover exactly opposite of Harry Potter). It's not sentimental, it isn't all Benji/Lassie stuff. It's plain and true and a brilliant story.
It's also dead cheap--you can get classic editions of it for a pound fifty. Let's celebrate the Yukon and dog sledding and hypothermia and the Gold Rush and mad trappers with French accents & all that good stuff.
read it for free here, if you can't spare a pound for a classic paperback. :)
I'll be recommending this one a lot this month!